23: Enzo Saves You From Augustine

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Imagine: For years on end, you were trapped in the basement of some manic man, Dr Witmore. You had been in here for longer than anybody else, some people who got tested on died or escaped. But over the centuries you had two best friends, Damon Salvatore and Lorenzo St. John. The first to escape was Damon, he made a plan to get you out of there but instead had to walk away from you both. Then fifty years later he came back to get Enzo and you, but then his girlfriend and him were trapped too. You were sleeping when they got rescued by their friends and woke up alone.

"Dinner is ready." Wes joked as he pushed a plastic cup of fresh blood under your cage bars. You rolled over to the side weakly, craving more than just a dropping. For weeks he was pricking himself constantly to sustain your hunger but you wanted more. You could hear his pulse, the sound of his heart beating whilst he glared you in the eyes.

"When's dessert?" You replied sarcastically, gripping onto the small container and devouring it quickly. You had trained yourself for years to down the blood like a shot, forcing you not to look straight at it.

"I'd recommend resting, tomorrow is a big day," He told you with a menacing smile, "You'll be wiping out the entire vampire race." Sometimes you liked the idea of being powerful, getting revenge on Enzo and Damon and being returned to the peace you well deserved.

"The Ripper Virus." You muttered under your breath, liking the sound of it rolling off of your tongue. Apparently, Damon's brother was a ripper a while back but you couldn't keep track of the years since your heard that piece of information. Suddenly you wondered what the year was.

"Wes?" You asked after him and he turned around sluggishly.

"What year is it?" You questioned again as your voice grew croakier. You're pretty sure that you wanted to see the world's transitions before you died. He turned back around as he strode towards the lab and yelled back,

"2013, keep up kid!"


You woke up, inhaling sharply after being fed the virus. Your body flowed with adrenaline, wanted to already feed off the vampires you could name. As you licked your lips ecstatically, he began to unfree you from the surgery chair.

"So this is it?" You asked, shaking your wrists slightly. This is the freedom you should have had ages ago. He nodded, relaxing as he noticed the side effects of the compound he fed to you, but now it was your turn to be the villain in this story,

"Any last words?" You laughed, trying to sound light hearted about the whole thing. But Wes Maxfield was going along with it.

"Knock em' dead." He told you, rolling his eyes and turning his back to you. Now was your chance, he didn't say what you expected him to but it didn't matter.

"Well that'll do." You replied, reaching your hand forward and grasping onto his spine with tremendous force. His reaction was late once you had the bone in your hand and dropped it onto the floor. You wiped your hands using his blazer and then stormed out for once and for all. Once you felt the sun on your bare face and the cool summer breeze against your skin, you enjoyed the freedom. People were everywhere, short and revealing clothes were worn. You scrunched your nose up in disgust,

"Are people in the 21st century prostitutes or something?" You peer around and spot a girl with brunette hair and brown eyes. Her tanned complexion is familiar and suddenly you realise.

"Katerina." You murmur under you breath as she strolls casually with her friends into the college. Suddenly your tongue lands under one of your canine teeth, the sharpness is like a knife. You snarl, hungry for you next vampire meal. After what Katherine did to betray you, she would die pleading for her life. Then you recognise people looking at you and shrieking, meaning your veins have popped out under your eyes. Your smirk in satisfaction, vamp speeding into the building as you search the corridor. High-pitch screams fill the air and people run until the hallway is left with the brunette and her two courageous friends.

"Why the hell would you expose yourself?" She asks, not sounding like she used to. You furrow your eyebrows, her accent shouldn't have changed over the centuries. But you were focussing on draining her even though you could smell human blood.

"Katherine, after all you have put me through - hell or not, you better pray for mercy." But then the girl shook her head, causing you to step forward. Every step you take, she was meeting her death quicker.

"I'm not Katherine. I'm-" But you dived at her, burying your fangs into her neck. The metallic taste slipped into your mouth as she tried to escape. But it was no use, you were much stronger than her. The virus had renewed you.

"Y/N?" A voice asked from behind you and you dropped your enemy to the ground. You hadn't felt alive like this in years, and this was the only voice that could bring you back to reality. As you spun around, you saw a guy with short brown hair and wearing a leather jacket. Slowly, you wiped your mouth, swiping the blood away in shock.

"Enzo!" You whisper, running up to him and wrapping your arms around him as you pull him into a tight hug. He embraced you back after being pushed back from the force. But then you can smell his blood, rushing and coursing through his body. You pull away and step back, regretting everything that you had done.

"That's not Katherine, that's Elena - Damon's girlfriend. She's a vampire, remember? Dr Wes didn't finish his vampire eating compound did he?" But with one glance at Elena's neck, he stepped back. You pushed away the thought of his blood away from your conscious and into you subconscious.

"Lorenzo, please save me."

"I'll save you from whatever is haunting you, Y/N."

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