4: Klaus Meets You

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Imagine: Niklaus Mikaelson has had traumatic day, too many people have got on his bad side. Even Elijah and Rebekah have turned against him. So today he set out to New York, finding the most closed in bar or nightclub he could find. It would be easy to feed on people there, nobody would even know or care. After all, they were only people who would only want to throw away their lives for just a second. Getting drunk was their highway out of life but blood was Klaus's.

You had been sitting here for a while now, pretty much the only girl sober at the bar. All your friends had gone home drunk and wasted but something was bothering you. Your mother had hid a secret from your for many years, a werewolf gene ran through your veins only ready for you to activate it. But you knew you wasn't going to murder anyone any time soon. The bell above the bar door chimed as a man strode in. The bar was pretty much empty by now, on the outskirts of New York this was only the place you could get alone time.

"Can I have a glass of bourbon please?" You ask the bartender for the first time tonight. But she wasn't paying attention, her vision was focussed on the male behind you. He was arched over a womans' throat, his lips biting into it. But this was not a flirtatious gesture, he was drinking her blood.

"Vampire!" She screeched, smashing the glass she was holding before turning around towards the exit. As she approached the door, the man appeared there at the speed of light whilst grimacing widely.

"Leaving so soon?" He asked casually but with sarcasm in voice, before sinking his ravenous fangs into her flesh. You cringed back slightly, you had seen this before but only by different people. Nothing scared you anymore, you knew your place. Once her lifeless body dropped to the floor he caught eye contact with you.

"If you're going to kill me get it over and done with," You mutter as you reveal your flesh below your neck. He winced back slightly, but you had no idea why.

"Why would I murder somebody who hasn't seen the best of life yet?" He asks, strolling over to you before he pours himself a glass of beer. You reach over to the bourbon and take a massive swig of it.

"That bartender might not have." You say smartly, turning towards the vampire.

"But she didn't look sad like you." He admitted, sitting onto the bar stool next to you and moving it closer.

"Well at least you're not me, Y/N Y/L/N." You add shyly, running a hand up and down your arm automatically.

"Y/N, such a delicate name - like a flower." He whispers to himself before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You let him, it's the only thing keeping you sane right now.

"And you are?" You ask politely, he smiles slightly before hiding it behind his lips.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, Original Hybrid." He says, you have heard rumours about him but he was supposedly dead in a coffin with his brothers and sisters. Klaus lifts your hand and kisses it carefully before placing it in your lap again.

"Life won't be bad forever, whatever obstacle you're facing now just remember you will over come it. The universe isn't as cruel as you think." He lectures you, wiping the blood which was once stained on his lips. But the Navarro werewolves want you to become one of them, but it is your destiny just like he told you.

"Thanks for the advice, Klaus. But it's getting late, I'd rather get your number and speak later than fall asleep in front of you and drown in my sorrows." You joke lightly, and he lets out a small laugh too. As you take his number, you feel his hand move up and down your back. You can't help but blush.

"I'll talk tomorrow, goodnight." You whisper before strolling out of the empty bar. But you didn't know that he was watching you all the way under you had passed the bar doors, he wanted to take in your image as much as he could as he never knew if you would see him again. But as you rest your head against your wooden door, you mutter to yourself through a grin.

"I prefer him to alcohol."

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