13: Tyler Admits That He Is A Werewolf

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Imagine: Tyler has been your best friend since forever. You didn't get on with girls much, they were always bickering and gossiping and you would rather stay away from that. But something was wrong about him, for weeks he had stayed away from you and you didn't know why. So today you decided to find out for yourself.

"Hey Ty." You said, strolling up to his locker before resting against it. He turned around and stuttered before replying.

"Hey, Y/N." He muttered before turning around. Rude. So you tapped on his shoulder and he sighed annoyingly.

"Why are you always being so arrogant with me? You've changed." You mutter before turning away. As you walk away causing a scene, he grabs hold of your wrist gently.

"Meet me at the grill at ten thirty today. I'll be totally honest." He told you and you spun around on the balls of your feet. You looked him up and down quickly,

"Are you asking me on a date?" You asked sarcastically but many people turned their heads round in shock. He acknowledged the joke - and the amount of people watching - so he looked down embarrassingly before meeting your eyes again. Somehow he had made you blush.

"Of course, Y/N. I'll pick you up at ten thirty." He winked at you and butterflies gradually rose in your stomach even though it was fake. Many girls beam at you in delight and you can't help but laugh to yourself. Tyler laughed as well before walking off,

"Wait!" You yelled after him and he stopped before turning to face you, "Why can't you tell me now?" You asked, stepping towards him. He ran a hand through his hair, his jaw growing tenser.

"Well, er, it's more like I need to show you something." He muttered before strolling away. What was he hiding? So instead of running after him, you walked into class.


Any minute now, you thought. But you paced in front of the bar. Matt kept on asking if you wanted a drink - rumours had spread that you and Tyler were going on a date. At the time you could barely breathe at the thought but now you thought that it was even more hysterical.

"Hey, Y/N." He shouted awkwardly behind you, he looked nervous - this was obviously a really deep secret. You smiled at him before walking over, he tried to return your smile but he couldn't even look you dead in the eyes.

"Before we go, promise me you will not tell anyone and don't panic." Tyler told you and you felt an uncomfortable shiver run down your spine. This secret sounded like life or death.

"O-Okay." You stuttered and he lead you to his car. As you climbed in, the silence was unbearable. But you knew that if you said anything it would make him worry even more. So as you began to drive into the forrest, you had masses of questions.

"Why are we driving into a forrest?" You questioned him and he turned to you shyly before turning back towards the steering wheel. Behind you all you could see were trees, layers upon layers of them.

"I'll explain when we get there and then it is your choice whether you want to stay or leave." He said and you and a weird feeling settled inside your stomach. But you had made your choice, you want to stay. Did he murder a bunch of people? Was he holding people hostage?

"I'll stay, no matter what it is. I'll stay."


You followed him into the cellar, it was sodden and wringing-wet. He walked over to a bunch of chains and began to tie himself in them as if he wanted to die here. For a second you wanted to step back, but instead you shut the door. You wasn't going to back away now, especially because he was your best friend and you wasn't willing to loose him over a secret.

"Explain to me why you're doing this?" You asked and he set down effortlessly. You copied him, but just at the opposite wall.

"I'm a werewolf. On a full moon I turn and I sniff out vampires." You drew your eyebrows together at his statement, it sounded like a joke.

"Don't be silly with me, Tyler." You told him but suddenly his eyes went amber. The moon shone through tiny gaps in the soil before he started screaming in pain. Every few minutes you heard a snap, you walked over to him calmly.

"Y/N, stay away." He muttered without look at your eyes. You slowly placed a hand on his back and ran your hand down it.

"I said stay away!" He boamed, his eyes turning yellow as he bared his fangs. You struggled back, falling over part of his chain, you foot wouldn't budge. Blinded in panic, you attempt to undo the chain but Tyler helps you, yanking your foot back before falling onto the floor in pain. He points to a cage and you locked yourself in there. You were petrified.


After he transitioned back into a human, you unlocked the cage you were in faintly. Tyler fell asleep, all of the breaking bones had worn him out. Carrying his hoodie, you placed it over his body before resting his head on your knee. He did a good thing, he told the truth but it was now down to you if you would tell anybody.

"Sorry, Y/N." Tyler slurred, his eyes opening ever so slightly. You traced circles on his shoulder as you held him against you.

"You can't help what you are, Ty." You told him and he relaxed slightly, relieved about your reaction.

"Let's get you home." You whispered, helping him up before he got changed and followed you out of the cellar.

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