47: Elijah Kisses You

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Imagine: You and Elijah both like each other but words haven't been said or actions haven't been made. But today was life-threatening and you just take it.

The witches had locked you in chain, ones that held you against your own free will from returning to the outside world. They were working with Mikael, the Mikaelson's most feared man. He needed the power to raise from the dead again and you were the ultimate sacrifice. The witches had tested on you, used your blood for rituals and even pushed more magic into your blood.

Today was the day they planned to kill you, the scheduled time and hour so that the witches were more powerful. The Mikaelson's knew this, they had been given everything you knew - but not your whereabouts. You knew Elijah was in love with you, his siblings and your friends had stated it several times. But there was no discussion about it, even if you tried to bring it up he would just walk away.

"Bottoms up." A New Orleans witch muttered as she pushed a glass against your mouth. You could smell what was in it, the most awful thing they could possibly put in your drink. Vervain. So you kept your mouth shut and tried to concentrate on your breathing, slow and steady. But your hands were shaking, even though they were chained above your head.

"Open your mouth before I use a syringe instead." She ordered, knowing that if she knocked it into your bloodstream you would just fall sleep. Slowly, you parted your lips and she did not waste time spilling it down your throat. Instantly your body rejected it, throwing it back up like a volcano. The witch stepped back to avoid any landing on her, but a satisfied smile covered her lips instead.

"What's the time?" You asked, trying to portray confidence. The witches wanted to see you be weak, but you would not let them. Your mind was screaming that you were a warrior, and you had to believe it.

"Midday." The witch murmured, turning  around towards the exit. You had no clue where you were, but you knew that the Mikaelson's would find you - for Elijah's sake.


They laid your body on a cement table, finally bringing you back to New Orleans. You were in the cemetery, they had already made you weak. Even your voice would not betray you by speaking, you would simply lay there, not able to fight against them. There was three minutes to go, if they did not arrive now then you were as good as dead.

"Prenez l'âme à la place d'une autre." A single witch began to chant, holding her hands directly over your chest. Suddenly you felt a pain you had never felt, something trying to push your heart out of you chest but another force keeping it in. You screamed, finally allowing yourself to do something. But you couldn't move, the spell held you in place.

"Prenez l'âme à la place d'une autre." Other witches were joining in, keeping the spell focussed on you. Again, you let out another blood-curdling scream. The pain worsened and suddenly your life flashed past your eyes, the most important moments. But then you noticed, they were only filled with Elijah Mikaelson.

"Stop!" A voice boomed over the witches voices. You screamed again as the pain grew stronger. Your eyes wanted to close, but then you saw the person who made you feel even more alive. Elijah stood there, in front of his siblings. But the witches took no notice, they continued to chant. Your eyes were focussed on his as you tried not to scream.

He threw something at a witch, knocking off her head instantly. None of the witches moved, as if they were possessed, and marched on with the spell. But the region witch held out his hand and yelled something she could barely hear over the chanting. The Originals flew backwards, hitting their backs against some of the gravestones. A piercing crack echoed around you as their bodies made contact, but Elijah rapidly scrambled to his feet.

"I will not," He turned his head towards you and you saw a tear roll down his face, "let you take her. Not in a million years." Then suddenly another coven of witches walked forward, including Hope Mikaelson. She was not supposed to be included in magic like this, or any death-related situation. They were all Bennett witches and they chanted spells, such strong ones that the New Orlean witches looked like fools. But the something happened, the chanting stopped and all of the witches dropped to the ground - instantly dead.

"E-E-Elijah." You murmured, turning your head to the side to face his. Your face was stained with blood, dripping from your eyes, ears, nose and mouth. Using his vampire speed, he ran over to you and swooped you into his arms. You felt safe within in his arms, you had never been in them before.


"You came for me, Elijah." You whispered, not caring if he saw you in your pyjama's with your hair still soaking wet. Obviously you needed a shower, so the first thing you did was have one. You did not want to confront him with bloodstained skin, nor did you ever want him to see you in such a desperate position.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, still keeping his back to you as he stared at the fire. In his hand he held a drink of scotch, only a small drop of it was still in the glass. You took a step forward, noticing the brightness the fire held.

"Because I don't mean anything to you." You whispered, remembering those memories flash before your eyes. In this moment of time, you wondered what memories would come to his mind when he was almost dying. After all, death had looked him in the eye too many times to count. Suddenly he turned towards you, his mouth marginally parted as his eyes laid dead on yours.

"You don't think you mean anything to me?" He asked and it took all of your strength to nod, "You nearly died out there today, Y/N, for the sake of something so absurd I would never forgive myself if the plan had been carried through." Elijah licked his lower lip in concentration, as he usually did.

"If you all hadn't arrived, I'd be dead Elijah." It was true, if they had become only a split moment after, you would most definitely be a corpse that he would cry over and beg for forgiveness. Of course you had realised that even as a vampire your life wasn't so eternal after all. But it was nice to think it was.

"I would never be able to forgive myself for not saving you." He muttered, his eyes widened ever so slightly. Maybe he had realised this was the right moment as well, for you to admit your love in times of tragedy and need.

"Before I almost died," It was a struggle to even mention it, "I saw everything important in my life, flash before my eyes - like they say in the films. It made me realise that we may be vampire's but we are definitely not immortal." Elijah smiled slightly, his eyes looking down at the ground in thought before looking back at you. You had not even realised that he had taken a couple of steps forward.

"If you died, I'd still keep you with me." He whispered, the smirk still painted on his lips.

"I guess that does make me immortal after all." You laughed, smiling at him. Without a thought his pace quickened towards you and before you could blink you felt his lips against yours. Everything else disappeared, the worries that you had about the witches - the helpless thoughts about Hope and how she was doing, they all evaporated because it was just you and Elijah Mikaelson. The way he kissed you was like there was no tomorrow, because maybe there never was.

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