35: Damon Meets You

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Imagine: You've had a bad day, you're not getting the grades you're supposed to in college and you're arguing with all of your friends. So you decided to take a break, head to Mystic Falls for a drink and stay with your Aunt for a while. Your parents let you, knowing you were getting stressed and worked up about your life. It was what you needed.

"The best bourbon you have." You ordered, sitting at the bar as you were perched over your phone. The waiter nodded, taking your empty glass and filling it up. You thought tracked over the day, your best friend was trying to slag you off and you have probably failed your Physics exam. In thought, you rested your head on your left hand as the man handed back your drink. You gulped down some of the fluid, feelings the usual burn at the back of your throat.

"Finally, another day-drinker." A man said, sitting on the stool next to you. He was muscular and his black hair made him look mysterious as well as confident. He had seen you in your awful thinking state, and this stranger was good-looking too. Just your luck.

"That's not what I'm here for." You replied, peering down at the long messages of arguments you and your best friend were having. You sighed, moving the drink in your hands so the bourbon rotated in circles.

"I've never seen you around and I'm here every day, I'm guessing you're new." He answered, gesturing for the barrister to come over. He did and he ordered bourbon, just like me.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, and who may you be?" You asked him, hoping that the barristers will not realise that you are underage - but they simply did not care. This hot new stranger was older than you, and you noticed her was looking you up and down. You wouldn't mind one distraction...

"Damon Salvatore, local civillian. Not out of town, like you. Born and raised here my lovely." He chugged down his drink before returning his comforting gaze on you.

"So what brung you to a small town like Mystic Falls?" Damon questioned you, and you felt yourself blush slightly. Sometimes, this place was more like your home instead of New York. Yes, you live in the big apple - but sometimes it gets too much. You swiped a streak of hair out of your face and peered back into his baby blue eyes.

"My aunt lives here, I don't come here often but when I do it is only to visit or-" But he finished your sentence for you.

"Sulk in a bar?" You glared at him sarcastically, rolling your eyes as a smile played on your lips.

"Of course not! But my problems are probably bigger than yours." You replied, finishing your bourbon before pushing it onto the table and folding your arms.

"I love my brother's girl, I don't get a long with my brother, I drink too much. I always run out of bourbon. My entire family is dead." Damon literally laid his life story in front of you. Suddenly you felt guilty for what you said.

"I'm sorry, I was heartless. Your problems are much more than arguing with your best friend from kindergarten. I am so sorry, Damon." You apologised, liking the sound of his name rolling off your tongue like the crash of waves against the shore. He smirked and you felt as though he had some sort of spell on you, one that made you watch his every move with awe. It was a classic smirk you would only see in pantomimes, when they would smile at the audience with confidence and beauty that you would automatically fall for that character. His eyes were a completely different story.

"How about we go for a spin?"


This guy has a freaking Ferrari, you thought to yourself as you climbed inside. For a second you worried about the dangers of climbing into a strangers car, but it was not like you could drive back to you auntie's home - you had drunk bourbon. It was not until you slopped back on the seat that you felt yourself getting a bit wobbly. Before you had entered the bar, you had drunk out of a water bottle at home. It was Vodka, not water. But still, you smiled at Damon comfortingly.

"Where are we going?" You asked as you ignored the notifications that popped up on your phone. Your best friend could wait, even if she would never forgive you. All that you wanted was to speak to Damon Salvatore. Even his name was dreamy.

"Like I said, for a spin. I can get to know you better." He winked before you bit your lower lip to conceal your happiness. You turned towards him,

"So, I am Y/N - obviously. My star sign is Libra, my favourite colour is... Well I would feel bad for choosing one. Absolute control freak over many things-"

"Just like Caroline." You blinked at him for a second, and then finally breathed.

"Excuse me?" You asked, and he looked you dead in the eyes.

"Continue." You grinned, looking back out of the car window.

"My boyfriend had died in a car crash, my parent's are split up. My aunt is amazing and she is going to get married in a few weeks! Her fiancé is named Ben, he is actually really nice. What about you Damon, tell me things about you." You almost demanded, but he took it light-heartedly. You already knew about his confusing love life, but you actually wanted to know him. Not anybody else, him.

"Born on 18th of June, making me a Gemini. My dad hated my and my mom died when I was eighteen. Black is my favourite colour, you would not catch me wearing anything else," You peered down at his attire and nodded, "I'm compassionate, dangerous and adventurous."

"How would I know, words don't mean anything." You answered, but he turned the corner to the Old Wood, speeding the car up.

"I guess, Y/N, you'll have to find out."

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