57: (REQUESTED) You are Stefan's Yanderes

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Imagine: You had turned your humanity off because your best friend had died, but you could still feel your love for Stefan Salvatore seeping through.

You walked into a hospital on the outside of Virginia, baring your fangs at everyone there. It was almost midnight, so most people thought they were hullicinating.

But some patients or nurses tried to escape, running towards the door behind you. Swiftly you ripped out their throats and dug into their neck for your next snack. Once they were dead and heads were rolling, you peered back up to the rest of them,

"I'm looking for Tessa Gordon," You told them as you kicked a head towards the group, causing them to squeal, "If Tessa doesn't come here in less than a minute, these won't be the only heads on the floor."

Slowly, a nurse appeared with the badge 'Tessa', her petit frame not even shaking when she saw the mess. The woman held out her hand and casted a spell, throwing you backwards and through and window. You stood back up, wiping the glass from your clothing before sprinting to her, holding her neck in your hands.

"I heard what you were planning to do to Stefan and now you know that's not going to happen, right?" She tried casting a spell but you twisted her hand out of place, "I'm going to make your death quick and easy, what my best friend should've had." And with that, you snapped her neck.

"How are you like this, Y/N," You heard Stefan's voice behind you and you shivered, "You still care for me without your feelings? Or your humanity is creeping back?"

"I asked a witch, Stefan, I asked her why I can't let go of this one man. Why I can't be free, and she said that I'm a Yanderes." You told him, turning to face him. He looked a little shocked and he stared at all the dead bodies pooled around you.

"That- I mean this hasn't ever happened before, you know..." Stefan stuttered, testingly taking a step towards you. You nodded, looking at the bodies around you with no remorse.

"They said my love for you is too strong to shut it out," You muttered, walking around the Salvatore curiously as you looked him up and down, "I hate it."

"That's the part that makes you feel most human... Most alive." He made you stop by taking a step closer to you and peering down at you. You finally looked into his lime green eyes and you remember every single thing you loved about them, but it needed to stop.

"Alive? My best friend died, Stef, and when she died - so did my emotions." You scoffed, stepping backwards before walking over to a nurse and compelling her to stand still. With a smile, you turned to the Salvatore, "Cheers."

Your fangs were in her neck but the next
minute they wasn't. That's because Stefan told you it would hurt him if you kept on feeding, and the Yanderes part of you forced your whole body to stop. Scowling, you turned to him.

"Now, you're going home with me after we clear up this mess, okay?" You pouted like a child, knowing that your feelings for Stefan would always win. It's always going to be Stefan.

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