31: Alaric Marries You

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Imagine: Alaric had only just decided to move on from his previous wife, Isobel Flemming, when he met you. Her death was unexplained and he tried so hard to find out things that it was driving him insane. You were a school teacher and taught art. You had gone through a similar thing with your previous husband, but you could not spend your whole life running into dead ends. Alaric and you had met at a school press conference, and from then on your relationship had developed.

"It's time, Y/N." Your father said as he wiped a tear from under his eye. Your mum had died when you were younger, and he knew how proud she would have been to see you finally enjoying life. This marriage would last a life time.

"Dad, don't cry." You whispered, grabbing his arm even though you felt your eyes well up yourself. He laughed quietly as he guided you to the door. This was it, you were going to be Y/N Saltzman.

"He's a good fella, Alaric. He won't leave you, or hide things." Your dad told you before he pushed open the door. You were stunned, there were so many people - students, teachers, friends and family. The venue felt different with people inside of it and you knew this was it. Your eyes finally caught Alarics and a smile was plastered on his face, he was gobsmacked by your efforts with your dress. You took slow steps forwards, holding flowers in your left hand. They were tulips, your favourite.

"Wow," Alaric whispered once you were finally in front of him, "I thought you couldn't get any prettier." He chuckled, and even though he was bad at cheesy jokes, you knew that this man in front of you would be the person you would pick to be with for the rest of your life. You blushed and sniffled, holding back the tears.

"You couldn't have looked better yourself, Mr Saltzman." You answered quietly, and he smiled brighter and wider.


Once you had said your vows and placed the rings on either of your fingers, it was time to do what you had been dying to do for the whole ceremony. Kiss. You could tell that he wanted to do the same, he was constantly leaning forward and licking his lower lip. So impatient, you thought event though you were doing the exact same.

"I do." You finally said, smiling as you gazed into his eyes. Then you heard the words, 'You may now kiss the bride' and Alaric didn't wait a second. His lips were on your in an instant, and roars of cheers erupted all around you. You did not want to break this kiss but you had to. People were around. Afterwards he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to his side, and you grinned at all of the guests. Your father was looking directly at you and your husband with the most affectionate expression on his face.

"I love you, Alaric Saltzman." You whispered to him as you began walking down the steps in front of you with him at your side.

"I love you too, Y/N Saltzman."

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