62: (REQUESTED) Kol Kisses You

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Imagine: You are an extremely powerful witch and Kol Mikaelson has been helping you contain it. But something unexpected happen today, which caused you to let the magic out.

In your ears you were blaring your favourite song as you strolled down the path. You had an extra class in University today, meaning you were walking home in the dark. As you bopped up and down as you continued to walk, you felt your phone vibrate - but you instantly left it, thinking it was a notification. After a while it kept ringing, so frustratingly you answered it.

"Y/N don't go home right now." You heard the familiar husky voice of Kol on the other end of the line and you held your breath.

"Kol?" You asked as you stopped in your tracks, "I'm almost home and why are you using my mom's phone?" As if on cue, you heard screaming as a muffled voice on your phone and instantly broke into a sprint.

"Y/N don't even think about coming," But you were panting as you rounded the corner of your neighbourhood, "Y/N I said-"

With tears running down your face, "What's going on? Why's my house on fire? Why isn't there even the fire brigade?" You felt like screaming as your face was extremely wet, meaning you were crying on the phone to Kol. The whole street was brightened by the fire, but nobody was out of their houses to send help, were they willing to let it burn up in flames.

"These men, I have no clue what the hell they are, but they have some sort of influence," He let out a hysterical scream which made you sob even more, "To make me not say much more. But they'll trade your family for you." In an instant you knew what they needed, they needed your magic. It was probably for something to wipe out the entire vampire species, as usual. But you was never going to let them take it from you, even though you could barely handle it sometimes.

"I'm coming-" But you were soon interrupted by the Mikaelson.

"Stay there, Y/N, don't do this." Kol almost begged you, but you were already running to the flaming house in hopes to save them all, "We'll die a merciful death." You couldn't bare the thought of your family and Kol leaving you, not in a million years. Once you looked through the open door, you noticed your family under some sort of compulsion and Kol standing directly in front, a man holding the phone to his ear. They had face paint on - or maybe it would blood - but you knew you had to get them out of there.

"We'll hand them over if you come with us!" One of the criminals yelled, turning their faces to you to show some sort of magical burns on their face. Your magic was already boiling up inside of you, like a tap that wouldn't stop flowing.

"Give them to me, cowards!" You shouted back, the rings of your eyes turning a devilish crimson as tears streamed down your face like a waterfall. The men shook their heads before the ring-leader pushed out his hand and began to drag the fire inwards. Calculating inside of your head, you noted the first victim would be Kol.

"Stop!" You yelled, thrusting your hand forward with all the force you had and masses of energy at a time. Inside of your chest, you could literally feel it evaporating as it tamed the fire and made the men choke on their oxygen. With a lazy eye, you watched them all to the floor as the compulsion wore off of everyone, your little brother looked around with a perplexed look on his face.

"Y/N..." Kol mumbled as he ran towards you, noticing you were bleeding from your nose and eyes, your legs weakening at every move you made. The flames were distinguished as you felt your body drop into a pair of securing arms, lifting you up as you fell into a dreamless sleep.


The next day, whilst you were still knocked out from your magic, Kol had compelled your family a home near the Mikaelson's residence. It was Victorian, the bleached bricks outside gave it a vintage orientation and the tulips that grew outside gave a country-side feel. But you didn't see it all until you woke up, two weeks later. The power you had created had knocked the life out of you - quite literally in fact - but the first words you spoke when you rose from your slumber were, "Where's Kol?"

As you looked around your room you saw your little brother, looking stronger than he did before, and your parents sitting on the edge of your fresh bed. With tears in your eyes you threw your arms around them and quickly wiped your eyes.

"You're safe," You breathed against your father's shirt, "Thank God." Suddenly, you felt your younger brother wrap his arms around you, not quite going all around you but it still felt safe.

"Y/N! Y/N! Look what Kol bought for us!" He squealed, squeezing your chest before jumping around the room, almost beaming his happiness like rays of sunshine. Holding your breath, you noticed the Mikaelson standing in the doorway, resting against the frame.

"Brought." Kol corrected your sibling, causing the grin on your face to grow wider.

"As much as I'd love to catch up, can I have a moment with Kol?" You asked your parents, watching them rapidly nod before kissing your cheek and pushing your brother out of your room, before excusing themselves. Once the door was shut, you gasped.

"You pretty much gave my family a new life. I can't think of a way to thank you." You whispered, your cheeks growing hotter by the second. As he took a group of steps towards you and sat beside you on your bed, your stomach was already rumbling with the butterflies that lived there.

"There's many ways," Kol began with a chuckle, "But all that matters now is that you're okay." He took your hand in his, ignoring that it was vibrating with his touch. The tears were already streaming down your face and he gave your hand a little squeeze, "Come here you little softie."

Quickly, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought yourself closer to him until you fit your head in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes even though you never wanted to see darkness again. Slowly, you croaked, "I'm in love with you, Kol Mikaelson."

Pushing your frame back so your face was inches before his, he whispered back, "I'm in love with you too, Y/N Y/L/N." Even through your most blacked-out moments, you remember some things, even though you were sluggishly falling asleep...

"Y/N needs help," He yelled to your family as Kol laid you down on the street ground, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, "It's going to be okay love, I promise." Kol whispered to you, ripping the hems of his shirt and tilting your head back to stop the bleeding from your nose.

"My sweet girl!" Your mother cried as she wiped your bloody eyes clean, "Is she going to be okay?"

Kol's eyes were glassy, "I'm not sure." Finally your mom broke, cracking like an egg - she cried. The Mikaelson comforted her, trying to keep his sadness at bay.

"And to think today you were going to tell her how you felt..." Your mother spluttered, placing the palms of her hands over her eyes to block the tears from cascading down her cheeks.

As you remembered those moments of hearing his voice, it felt as if you'd never hear it. Daringly, you leaned in before moulding your lips together, Kol's hand slipped to the small arch in your back, grasping it firmly as he tugged you forward once more to meet your lips with his. The kiss was slow and steady, making your insides feel like warm honey and freshly cut mint. Your love for him almost killed you, and you'd do it again if you had to.


So if you guys are unaware, I've just started my GCSE's! (They're British grades that determine how well you will do in life) But I'm slowly updating, I have so many requests and so little time. But I promise that I'll write them. Just putting it out there that I'm a fourteen year old girl - almost fifteen - and some of the steamy ones you're asking for either wont be done or will not be done to the standard you may want. But thanks for reading these, I appreciate it so much!

Holly xXx

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