46: Klaus Saves You From Damon

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Imagine: Klaus and Damon have been continuously arguing. It has gotten to the point where people were dying and then suddenly Klaus killed Elena. That is when the whole world changed for you.

Groaning, you woke up from the slumber that Damon had put you in. Around your wrists, vervain was dripping from the ropes and burning your skin. You were not just a vampire though, you were a heretic.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Damon smirked as he picked up a knife, twirling it in between his fingers as if it were some toy. It definitely looked like a toy to him, the sharp end pointing directly to your body. His humanity was gone, Elena was the only thing keeping him from his monstrous desires and now she was gone - so was he.

"This is getting petty," You lifted your head so you could see directly into his eyes, "Don't you think?" He smirked menacingly as he took a step closer. You wasn't going to fight against your fate, you was going to let it happen. The one thing that was making you upset was the fact you never got to see Klaus, not even one last time.

"It will never get petty. You see, your boyfriend, or whatever he is to you, decided to kill the one I love more than myself. He killed Elena." You noticed that there was no emotion in his eyes, even when he spoke her name. You shivered slightly, wondering how Klaus might act when you are gone.

"You are getting Nik time, Damon," You raised an eyebrow at him, "The precious time you need to kill me. So get it over and done with." You snarled, grabbing your hands around the dry part of the rope.

"He doesn't deserve to know that you died a painless and easy death," He paced back and fourth around the room, "Elena didn't."

"You don't know how wrong you are." You sighed, remembering when Klaus had tried to keep you from seeing Elena's death or even hearing her cries for help. That is because she wasn't dead, she was locked in the basement of the Mikaelson home. Klaus needed Damon to think she was dead.

"I don't know how to say this, Damon, but Elena..." Your voice trailed off when suddenly his full attention was on you, "Damon, Elena is alive."

He smirked and shook his head, pressing the knife into your arm and dragging it towards your shoulder. You bit your lip so hard it began to bleed.

"You are bluffing, Y/N. I saw her body myself." Damon answered, stepping back to see the blood drip from your arm as you stared directly at him.

"That wasn't Elena, it was Katherine. You remember that she died human, don't you?" You asked, a savage smile plastered on your face this time. He had to believe you, the facts were true.

"Then take me to her," He muttered, "If this ends out to be a plan to get you saved, I will kill and make Klaus's life a living hell."


You knocked on the Mikaelson mansion and it felt weird to not be opening it with a key. Damon had insisted you did it this way, and he even told you what to say. For seconds you waited, hearing footsteps echoing behind the door before a latch was being undone.

"Y/N," Klaus breathed as his studied your face, his eyes drifting to the burning ropes around your wrist, "What did he do to you?" He asked as he walked outside to undo the ropes. You shook your head and stepped away.

"If you undo these ropes, Damon will kill me." You whispered to him, raising an eyebrow. Klaus looked you up and down once again, wondering if you were just a witches hallucination to help Damon win his fight.

"Damon wants something," Klaus tutted as he stepped back inside, "Y/N, what does he want?" You bit your lip, Klaus had always made sure you never had told Damon about Elena unless it put your life in danger. That's when he realised.

"The bastard wants Elena, doesn't he?" His temper flared like a flame and you stepped forward to comfort him.

"Nik, I know you don't want me to die. If you don't hand over Elena he said he will kill me and make your life hell. I heard some of his plans and I know that you would join me when I die-" The Original vampire interrupted you as he pointed a finger.

"There is no 'when I die'. Tell Damon to come back in an hour and Elena will be as good as new." Klaus instructed you and you nodded, a feeling dropping over you. It was gratefulness, Elijah must have knocked some sense into him. Right now you wanted to kiss him, but instead you walked away to find Damon.


"Klaus is a little off schedule today, isn't he?" Damon questioned as he paced in front of the Mikaelson mansion. You bit your lip, what if Niklaus had given you hope that you would live but he did not come? These thoughts were bubbling in your mind an you knew that he would not do that, but a part of you thought he would.

"He will come." You muttered as you scanned the local area.

"Keep telling yourself that, princess." Damon answered back, his eyes drifting across the forest that surrounded you both. You began to kick the pebbles at your feet, your mind racing with thoughts that made you feel upset.

"Elena for Y/N." Klaus appeared behind you both, Elena looking directly at you. They should not have involved either of you and you both stared at each other. It was as if you were apologising for Klaus's actions. Damon pushed you forwards so you stumbled to the ground, you head almost landing in a puddle at Niklaus's feet. Elena was then tossed to Damon, who gratefully stared into her eyes to make sure it was her. Klaus pulled you into his arms and used his vampire speed to get inside the house and lay you on one of the many sofas. He sat beside you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I was worried you wouldn't come." You whispered, feeling exhausted but calm now that you were back home. He smirked, causing you to blush.

"I would never be able to live without you, love." He smiled, his eyes gazing into yours. And through all the hassle, the problems seemed to fade away. So you did what you wanted to do earlier, you kissed him. It felt like coming home.

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