7: Enzo Proposes To You

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Imagine: You and Enzo have been partners since you met. When he goes off the rails, you pull him back like his anchor. It was your birthday today as well and he wanted to make it special. So he went out before you woke up and brought a ring. But he planned to give it to you later on.

"You're doing it all wrong, Y/N." He told you, pulling you closer to him as you rested a guitar in your hands. He was trying to teach you how to play it, you insisted that you should at least learn a skill in your eternal life. You laughed, trying to figure out the cords.

"I know." You replied, throwing your hands onto you head and laughing as you threw your head back. He smiled at the sight of you being happy, you wasn't usually.

"Look, it's a D Minor." Enzo tried to explain, taking hold of you right hand and placing it onto the string. You bit your lower lip cautiously, trying to concentrate.

"Now play." He instructed and as you strummed the guitar, it sounded beautiful. You turned to look at him and beamed at him.

"Thankyou for giving me a birthday I won't forget." You whispered, placing the guitar beside you. His smile reached his eyes as you scooted even closer. You were literally touching now.

"It's not over yet," He told you before cupping your face in his hands, "We have much more time." He added before kissing you.

"Enzo..." You muttered pleadingly after you parted, "I've got to go and cook dinner." He frowned at you before grabbing your hand.

"I'll help." He insisted as you raised an eyebrow at him, he never cooks - he even makes you make his coffee in the morning.

"Are you sure? You can barely make toast." You joked with him and he laughed before following you into the kitchen. He began to get out the ingredients as you took out the equipment.

"Well, I need to at least know how to feed myself." He told you and you smiled before you began placing an egg onto the saucepan. Something strange was going on and you could help but feel it.


"Who even invented a cooked breakfast? Who even thinks about having breakfast for dinner?" You asked Enzo as you chewed on a piece of bacon. He grinned, admiring your wittiness. You looked at him weirdly before continuing to finish your food. Once you had finished, you cleaned up in silence, confused about why he kept looking at you like that. But then you felt him grab your waist from behind and your skin tingled with his touch.

"Enzo!" You groaned, you had dropped a plate on the floor and it smashed. He turned you around so you faced him and lifted you up as he forced you to wrap your legs around his waist.

"I need to clean up!" You added, as he began to walk over to the living room. Suddenly a lot of people were there - Damon, Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric and even Matt. Suddenly you were placed down onto the floor as everybody yelled surprise.

"You didn't need to." You whispered to your boyfriend as you hugged him, he placed and arm around you before getting down on one knee. Suddenly there were butterflies in your stomach; like when you first met him. Your began to cry as Lorenzo spoke his words.

"Y/N Y/L/N, I have loved you since the day I met you, and I love you even more now. Every day when we wake up together, I know that I want to do this every day. I want you, I want to spend my eternal life with you. We can even adopt kids and start a family if you really want, I just want you to be mine forever." He speaks, tears appearing in his eyes as well. One tear drops but you want to hear him say it.

"Say it," You sniffle as everybody waits for your answer in silence, "Say it Enzo." Your hands are shaking and you wipe your eyes.

"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asks and you grin as wide as you possibly could.

"Yes, Lorenzo St. John, I will marry you!" You say before running in his arms and passionately kissing him. You don't know how long you are kissing for but you tug his shirt closer, listening to the round of applause around you. Just as you distance yourself he whispers to you,

"I told you that I would make you have the best birthday ever."

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