54: (REQUESTED) You Find Out That You Are Klaus' Soulmate

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( REQUEST FOR @KlaudiaKlauR5)

Imagine: You're a human, one day you are going home late at night (You're a bartender) and a vampire attacks you. Thankfully Klaus was close and helped you.

You were screaming, and it felt like you had been screaming for hours. In reality, it had only been a minute or so, but the blood was withdrawing from your system and the vampire was clawing his teeth into your flesh. Suddenly you felt the vampire fly off of you, some bricks falling in the distance. But your hand was on your neck as you fell to the ground, trying to stop the bleeding as your vision became more vivid.

Klaus pinned the man up to the wall, his arm forced over his neck and a stake in his hand. First he twirled it in his fingers, the thrill of killing suddenly coming to him - but it was fuelled by rage and fury. As he drove the stake home, you gasped for your final breaths and the vampire's skin turned a deathly grey.

"Y/N," the Original Hybrid sped over to you, resting your back onto his knee and biting into his arm, "Drink." So you did, pulling your hand away from your wound to see it covered in thick, black blood. You feasted on his blood, even as he winced as you drunk too much. Once you pulled away, you wiped your neck with your cardigan and then threw it into a dumpster nearby. You wouldn't be able to wash it out anyway.

"What happened there?" Klaus asked, raising his eyebrow at the dead vampire which was slumped against the broken bricks. He searched around for an almost empty fuel can, then poured the last of it over the vampire's body.

"I was walking back from work and he had came into the bar for a drink. Suddenly I was his drink... It's hard to explain, everything just moved too fast," You almost fell over and gripped the wall, "Why does vampire blood make me feel drunk?"

Klaus chuckled with a small smile on his lips as he pulled out a lighter, "Heightens your senses, love." He chucked the lighter onto his body, watching it engulf into flames before offering a hand to you.

"So this is you being a gentleman?" You raised an eyebrow as he helped you stand straight from the wall. At first, it seemed as if Klaus wanted to hold your hand - but he thought it may be going too far.

"I'm always a gentleman," He smiled as you both strolled out of the alleyway, "You just never see it." After he had said that, you pulled a face.

"Is it really so hard for you to be a gentleman to me?" As you looked around the area, the sky was clear and there was a fountain in the middle of the town square. But everywhere was empty, considering the time at night - nobody wanted to stay out in a town full of vampires.

"That's because you're like me." He replied, not meaning the type of supernatural creature he had became a thousand years ago. In question, you furrowed your eyebrows.

"I found out something today, Y/N and that's why I knew you were getting hurt," your throat grew tighter as he continued, "When you almost died, I felt another part of me hanging on like a thread. The witches explained it in a clearer form... Y/N, we're destined for each other."

"Huh?" You gasped, your eyes widening and your bottom lip quivering only marginally.

"They performed this... Complicated ritual, connecting our bodies over and over again, but then they noticed that we were spiritually joined-" He turned his head to you, seeing your eyes go glassy, "I'm loosing you aren't I?"

"Partially. So what you're saying is that you and me, we're kind of like soulmates?" You were in love with Klaus, but it had always been a secret. There was something fascinating about his murderous ways and his cunning plans, they always drove you crazy in love. Even though you were human, you would transition any day to be by his side.

"Yes, but don't take it too seriously. They'll probably find a way to break the bond soon." Your stomach dropped, knowing that all those aching feelings you felt would have to be secret again. Suddenly your mouth was speaking for you,

"Can I just ask you something, as my soulmate of course?" You questioned him, your brain racking at your subconscious for allowing you to even dare to ask a question. Klaus nodded suspiciously.

"Would you let me spend eternity by your side?" It had just erupted from your mouth, not able to contain it any longer. For a moment, the Original Hybrid was dumbfounded by your question and for a second you wanted to vanish into thin air.

"Is that even a question?" He asked back, a weak smirk on his face. Before you knew it, your hand was against his cheek and you was kissing him. You couldn't even let yourself feel the kiss, wondering if he was attempting to pull back or enjoying it himself. But when his hand collided against the dress on your waist, you knew that the whole soulmate situation would stay forever.

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