5: Tyler Admits His Crush On You

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Imagine: One of the biggest jocks in Mystic Falls High School secretly likes you. You've known each other since the day you first started kindergarten and you have always been close. Every now and again, your parents decide to drag you along to a gathering with his parents - but you soon drifted apart. It wasn't your fault, he just had to push himself away from you. But little did you know that every time you spoke in class, he would be the first person to smile or laugh at your joke. He'd watch you as you talked to your friends or walked down the corridor. But just like Elena and Matt, you owed it to yourselves to be something more.

You don't know anymore. You don't know if it's just his massive ego or whether it's his hypnotising smile that drives you crazy. He was your best-friend once, but he became distant and seemed to have no interest in you at all. Tyler Lockwood has always been such a gentleman to you, but not very much to others. You helped him through his bad times, especially when he and Vicki were together but then he was suddenly gone. Either unsocial or just never there when you needed him.

But it's a new year, a new start is always the best option. As you get changed, your phone buzzes with a text from Bonnie - your new best-friend - and she tells you to meet at her locker this morning so you can catch up. After pressing a few buttons, you reply positively. But inside you are dreading this new opportunity to have to face him again. Even though he is your crush, you knew he would never like you. Once you pull up in the car park, Caroline has already hugged you and dragged you inside the school building to Bonnie's locker.

"Oh my word! I'm sensing love, hate and compassion." Bonnie suggests, lately her witchy-woo business has been getting way out of hand. She just can't keep whatever she feels or sees inside. You roll your eyes before opening your locker beside hers. As you stuff your books inside your locker, you feel a tap on your shoulder which causes you to drop all of your books on the floor and more textbooks fall out on top too.

"Seriously!" You yell as some people laugh. Your heart is in your throat as you spin around, seeing Tyler leaning behind you as he begins to pick up your books. He is wearing his jersey, obviously he has a game after school. But something struck you hard, he doesn't usually even notice you.

"Tyler," You mutter as your cheeks become flustered, "Thankyou." As you breathe in, Caroline interrupts.

"Class now, the bell has gone." She whispers in your ear. But as the hallway clears, you struggle to find the book you need. With a sigh of frustration, you forget your crush is standing just opposite you and punch the locker with fury.

"Hey, what did the locker do to you?" He asks jokingly, finding the book you need and handing it to you. After he has helped you put everything else back, he leans against his locker.

"You better go." You mutter, feeling everything that has been building up inside you come crashing to the surface, "You don't want to ruin your Jock stereotype." You mock airily before turning around. Behind you, a deep laugh rises from his throat.

"I don't want to ruin it, so would you like to come to the game later on? We've been quite distant over the last couple of months." Tyler questions you and you feel your heart jump from your chest. As you don't even turn towards him, you nod. Nothing matters anymore, all the problems have dissolved.

"I'd love to." You reply before strutting to class.


The game comes on quickly, you are in the front row near the middle of the pitch. But all night there has been no sight of Tyler until he joins his team on the pitch. As he passes the soccer ball to Stefan, he turns to see if you were watching. You didn't know that every move he made, he was focussing on impressing you. But once he scores, the crowd roars with excitement as he is huddled with his team. They only have a few minutes to go, the score is even. But they lost, and you couldn't be anymore depressed yourself. Tyler jogs over to you unenthusiastically, his hair sweaty as it rolls down his face. His eyes look watery, but you don't know if that's because of the cool winter breeze.

"Sorry, Y/N. We were supposed to win." He admitted cockily, but you laughed lightly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't win Ty. You're still amazing at soccer, you scored!" You praised him, trying to change his mood. Instead he climbed onto the railing and sat opposite you. He looked down at his hands before looking back at his team on the pitch.

"But I wanted you to see how good I am." He muttered lazily, clasping your freezing hands in his own.

"I know how good you are at soccer." You say, smiling and leaning forward. He catches eye contact with you before smiling.

"No, I mean as a person. I'm not stereotypical. A jock wouldn't admit they have a crush on a girl nobody sees in the corridor would they?" Tyler raises and eyebrow as he smiles but you feel yourself upset and oblivious to what he is trying to say.

"I'm guessing you like Vicki again." You mumble as you peer back at the pitch. But his warm hand caresses your cheek which forces you to turn back to him. The butterflies that had settled in your stomach a long time ago have awakened.

"No, Y/N. I like you." He admits, but you can't but beam at him. As the crowd screams with happiness around you, they know that Tyler is on the wrong side of the pitch and so are you. They are cheering the opposite team on but you don't care. He pulled you toward him so you were both at the same height as his hands cupped your cheeks lovingly. Before you could even say anything, he kissed you. You leaned into him as you swung your arms around his neck. You wanted to stay like this forever, but you knew it would have to end. So you part as you catch your breath.

"Good score, Lockwood."

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