2: Stefan saves you from Silas

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Imagine: You were on the trip with Elena, Damon, Rebekah, Shane and Stefan. As you all avoided to wake Silas, Katherine took the cure and you all decided to leave and find her. After all, everybody had let her go out of plain sight. But you were slightly behind everybody, unfocused and lost in a daydream. Before you knew it, you were alone and lost and began to panic. Nobody was in sight, and the sun began to set slowly. Being a human and alone in the forest was a bad idea.

As the trees rustled in the wind, you sat down on a stranded log. Somebody would need to find you soon, they would have known you had gone missing. But time was going quickly by the second and darkness filled the area by the second. You could sense somebody was here, probably one of your friends that had noticed you had left them.

"Elena? Rebekah?" You shouted, only to hear your voice echo among the leaves. Somebody was there, you knew it.

"Damon? Shane?" You yelled once again until Stefan appeared through the leaves. He looked exactly like you remembered, his shirt tucked in with his hand loosely rested in his pocket. You couldn't have been any happier to see him. Without saying a word, you run over to him and embrace him. He hugs awkwardly back, but suddenly relaxing as he feels your body against his.

"Stefan, you found me." Your voice becomes muffled as you talk into his shirt. A hand runs through your hair, an unusual gesture. Stefan was your close friend, you knew everything about each other but something was different.

"I need to tell you something," He whispers as he rests his head on yours. You nod, enjoying his comfort.

"I love you, Y/N." Stefan says, but then you feel a sharp pain in your neck. He was drinking your blood, but suddenly you knew this was not Stefan. His grip around your waist tightened as you struggled against him.

"Silas!" You screeched as you began to feel lightheaded. But his grip was not fading, as your fighting became slower and weaker, you gave in and rested against him. You were slowly dying and your friends didn't know. It was your fault.

"Get off her!" Somebody shouted behind you, but then Silas was gone and you fell to the ground in despair. But a pair of arms lifted you in seconds and your vision focussed on their face.

"Silas get off me!" Your voice was loud as you tried to climb out of his arms. But his face softened in the regular Stefan way. You didn't believe it for one second.

"Calm down, Y/N! I'm Stefan, I swear. How did you loose us?" He asks and you calm down as your heart was beating outside your chest. But you know how you lost them and he was partially the reason.

"Partially daydreaming." You say through multiple sniffles as you begin to hyperventilate. He could potentially be Silas. As you climb out of his arms, he lets you go.

"I was meaning to tell you something tonight," The doppelgänger explains but you step back cautiously, "Y/N, I've been fighting everything I've felt for a long time. I know I invited Rebekah, but I only did that because she made me. You've been so good to me and I want to say I love you." But you run forward with all your strength and strike him hard on the face with your hand. As he leans to the side in agony you kick him in the stomach as he falls onto his knees.

"Y/N, I'm Stefan." He admits through series on uneven breaths. But your eyelids begin to drop, feeling more dizzy than you did before. But you knew as soon as you got back into Mystic Falls, you could quite possibly be a second option to him.

"No, your not!" You shout as you fall to the ground and clutching your chest in agony. Beside you, you can hear him struggling to find you. But as he lifts you up again in his arms, you can tell it is him. The wind becomes stronger as it pushes through both of your hair and you make you way through the forest.

"S-Stefan, heal me." You moan, and he doesn't hesitate. Before you know it, you feel fine again but you still lay in his arms. He walks to a rented car, not the one you had brought here. As you stand up and open the car door he grabs you hand shyly. But you push it to the back of your mind as you close the car door.

"Just say it, Stefan. I don't need all of these charades where one minute you are ignoring me and the next you are telling me you are in love with me. What do you call that?" You ask, stepping forward as you try to over power him. You wanted him to feel slightly bad for leading you on but you also couldn't stand him being upset. He licks his lips cautiously before running a hand through his own hair.

"I compelled you, I must have told you like a thousand times. But every single time I just feel like everything feels fake - like your forcing it." He replies but the sentence makes you more perplexed.

"What do you mean 'everything feels fake'?" You question him with a tired expression on your face. This only makes him even more nervous.

"I have a lot of explaining to do, Y/N." He mutters, squeezing your handing gently which causes you to wake up even more.

"But maybe this time it'll feel different." He whispers before leaning forward, you stand there hesitantly as he plants a brief kiss on your lips before leaning backwards. Your hearts are synced and your breathing slows. But now you understand, he kissed you and you must have felt a different way. Something this time has changed, you have changed.

"Stefan," You whisper before placing both your hands on either side of his jaw whilst smiling. His eyes dart up towards yours. He smiles kindly, hiding his teeth in the meantime, "I want to be with you. I want to spend every minute of every day with you, I want to be yours but most importantly I want you to be mine. I want you." Your whisper before kissing him as he pulls you closer. As you part for once and for all, you lean against him and listen to the beating of his heart as you melt against him.

"I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Stefan."

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