6: Marcel Betrays Klaus For You

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Imagine: It is the year 1835, the year Marcel was turned. Nobody really knew who he was but since you were very close to Rebekah, you knew who he was. She was teeth deep in love with him, but you couldn't imagine why. Who would fall in love with Niklaus's slave? But now she stays staked in a coffin for betraying her brother to go behind his back. You couldn't believe it, but you had to.

"Marcellus!" Niklaus yelled as you hid around the corner. He had ordered you to come here after he found out that a maid like you knew everything about an Original. Obviously he didn't want that, if too many people knew then the whole world would end up fighting to assassinate him.

"I'm right here." A voice muffled around the corner, it was further away than Klaus's. You grab onto your pearl necklace, Rebekah had given it to you for safekeeping as she knew she would get killed one day or another. As a human, she wanted you to remember her for as long as your human life would allow.

"Y/N!" Klaus bellowed once again and you walked slowly around the corner. But he didn't have any patience and he grabbed you in his arms and threw you so you landed next to Marcel. He had obviously pulled one of your muscles and you grabbed onto it ever so dearly.

"This little maid knows about your affair," He began as Marcel tried to help you, "But most importantly she knows about what we are." Klaus shouted and tears welled up inside your eyes. You didn't want to get into this and you had told his sister multiple times.

"Then compel her to forget!" Marcel demanded, pulling you closer to him to protect you from whatever could happen next. Now you understood why Rebekah said he was a goodman.

"I'll never forget." You spoke through gritted teeth, "Rebekah has gotten me into this but I shall get myself out of it. Just let me go!" You pleaded as Niklaus stepped forward. Your heart rate was quickening by the second, every step he took it was another second until your death.

"Strong little sweetheart, aren't you?" He says, kneeling down and tucking a piece of hair behind you ear. His touch made you move away, but only lead you into Marcel's arms.

"But I will have to do whatever it takes to make you forget!" He shouted as the tears in your eyes fell. But he grabbed you before Marcel could react and pulled your face towards his. Klaus was holding you up by your throat but focussed on your eyes.

"Rebekah was your dear friend," His voice rang in your ears, "But then she died of tuberculosis, and you suffered for a while but then you recovered. The Mikaelson family are human, nothing else. You will forget-" But Marcel dived at him with unremarkable strength and you fell to the floor trying to catch your breath. Soon they were fighting and you neared towards the door, struggling to regain strength.

"Do not hurt her!" Marcellus screamed as they both focussed on you. But in a flash you were at home, resting in your bed with him besides you. You smiled at him gratefully as he sat on the edge of your bed. Vampires weren't really your type but he was growing on you.

"Sorry for letting Klaus compel you," He began as he caressed your face gently. You smiled back, your eyes tired from the fight.

"But I remember Rebekah, she is a vampire and was daggered by Niklaus. The whole traumatic experienced didn't phase me, she isn't dead - she's sleeping. The Mikaelson family are vampires, binded by a phrase 'Always and Forever'. But nothing is ever that simple." You recalled, realising his compulsion had not worked.

"Your necklace has vervain inside it. That is why Rebekah gave it to you." He insisted but speaking her name out loud hurt him so much.

"She'll come back for you," You muttered before meeting his eyes, "I promise."

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