44: Klaus Breaks Up With You

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Italics are flashbacks!

Imagine: You and Klaus have been dating for a while now. You don't know if it's because you are sired to him or if you just genuinely love him. The Mikaelson's don't really like you, especially Rebekah. She thinks you are with Nik for the power, not the pure love he shows you.

"Hey," You muttered as he stormed into your shared bedroom with a face like thunder, "What's up?" You asked curiously. Usually it was Marcel, annoying him to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He'd take off but now you were with him, he'd try and find you. Klaus sighed - frustrated - then turned towards you.

"People are threatening me. They want to use you as leverage." You frowned at him and sat on the side of the bed. He turned his head back towards the window in fury. Klaus loved seeing the streets of New Orleans alive with festivals. His eyes widened every time he saw a mural or a rogue artist painting for fun. That's how he met you, a rogue painter that relaxed on the outskirts of the City of Life - well dead if you counted the vampires. 

A stranger walked up and peered over your shoulder, admiring your work. You had to admit it was beautiful, the face of a passing man with a suit. He looked different from the people wandering past, he looked elegant. It was as if he was ready for an '80s dance.

"My brother," He smiled and you almost jumped, "You captured the details quite well, didn't you love?" He asked and you blushed with a small smile. You had hoped nobody would recognise the man, it was only that he was different to nobody else - nothing more.

"Your brother?" You asked as you put down your paintbrush. He nodded with a grin,

"Nobody usually draws him, although we have a painting hanging up inside our house. You paint like her, the girl who did all of our family's portraits." You liked this man, he was vintage - as if he was stuck in a world wind of his own and didn't care about opinions.

"I'm pretty sure I am not her, though," You laughed and he chuckled too, "Y/N Y/L/N."

"Klaus Mikaelson."

"I won't let them, you know I am a warrior Nik." You told him, standing up and walking over to the window. Hesitantly, you placed a hand on his shoulder. Klaus placed his hand on top of yours before lowering your hand off shoulder, and holding it instead.

"But what if-" You interrupted him, even though he hated being interrupted.

"There is no, what if's. I will not stop fighting until I die." You whispered to him and his eyes met yours for the first time since he returned home. They were filled to the brim with tears, he hadn't told you everything.

"That's the problem, Y/N," His eyes scattered your face, "One day you will die and I can't hold the burden of that." You were a vampire, but not an Original. You could die easier than he could.

"I love you, Klaus, as much as I hate your monstrous desires - I just can't seem to shake you." You whispered as you looked out the window. For months you had concealed your feelings, but your near-to-death experience had shown you something. Even when you're immortal the clock is still ticking, the clock until you perish. He grabbed your shoulder and spun you towards him before planting a kiss on your lips.

"You want this to end?" You asked, feeling your voice break at the end of the sentence. Klaus didn't answer, he didn't want this. He needed this. A tear fell from your eye and you sniffled as you wiped it away.

"I really wish we didn't have to do this." He muttered and you pushed his face to his eyes aligned with yours. You still felt the connection, the one that kept you sired to him - the one different to the love you felt for him.

"We don't, Nik. Please, don't do this. Not today." You pleaded, cupping his face in your hands as the tears continued to roll down your flushed cheeks.

"I love you too, Y/N." He spoke after you broke the kiss, the corner of his mouth tugging up in a smile. For the first time you knew for definite you wouldn't forget this day, the measure he went to get you back. The Harvest girls needed you for a sacrifice, the power that you had was immense. The day before you were turned, Rebekah had cut herself and it slipped into your glass of wine, Elijah had fed it after you were injured due to Hayley and Klaus was exchanged your blood. You were from all three sire lines, directly from their sources. It still made you a regular hybrid though.

"I never thought I'd say this but..." His cheeks turned rosy as he smiled, "I want to spend my eternity with you, Y/N. Always and Forever." 

"I have to!" Klaus yelled, turning around and smashing a glass ornament. You jumped but then shrugged it off. You followed him and spun him towards you, kissing him passionately just like you did when you first met. Klaus didn't seem to break this kiss either, he wanted it to last forever.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Klaus wrapped an arm whilst you looked out at the sunrise.

"Goodnight, Y/N." Niklaus muttered after you parted, vanishing into thin air.

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