33: Klaus Takes You On Holiday

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Imagine: You and Niklaus Mikaelson had just gotten married and today you were jetting off for a romantic get-away (as he calls it) to Tenerife. But he didn't tell you what hotel or place so you had to keep on guessing. But you had never flown before and hadn't told him about it. You threw up earlier this morning in panic but Klaus was too deep into his sleep to even notice. Right now you were boarding the plane and you felt as though you were going to throw up again.

All morning he thought you were acting strange, you couldn't even look at him. But as you were walking down towards the plane, you squeezed his hand more than before and he pulled you aside, grabbing you by the waist. Still, you couldn't look him dead in the eye and he touched the side of your face.

"Is everything alright, love?" He asked, his thumb caressing the bare skin below your eye. You leaned into his touch, feeling more comforted than before. You inhaled a shaky breath, connecting your eyes with his before replying,

"Just a little nervous, that's all." You placed your hand on top of his but he still kept you in his unfailing grip.

"Have you flown before?" Klaus asked, suddenly realising the reality of it. A tear appeared in your eye before falling onto his thumb. He wiped it away, already knowing your answer. Suddenly, he embraced you, his left arm rubbing against your back. People were passing by quicker now and he pulled you closer to protect you.

"I should have asked," He sighed as he rested his head on yours, "I'm sorry but why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought I would be fine, but it turns out I'm scared of heights." You chuckled slightly at your comment and peered back up to him. Less people were passing by and you were the last to board. He intwined your fingers gently, telling you to squeeze your hand whenever you felt terrified and you nodded as you both headed onto the plane. They shut the doors as you both sat in your first class seats, and you buckled your seat belts.

"Klaus," You whispered, turning your head towards him as you sniffled, "What if the plane crashes?" 

"We can take precautions." He muttered back, referring to the vampire blood than ran through his veins. You never had the 'talk' about your future, it never came up but now you were sure that you wanted to be bonded by the original phrase. Always and forever.

"I want to spend eternity with you." You murmured back, gaining weird looks from the people behind you. The plane engine started and you jumped but he placed his hand under your chin to keep you focused.

"Maybe live a little first." Niklaus told you in a hushed voice, grabbing his wrist and creating a small pin-size hole in his skin. He did this discretely, he did not want to have to compel a whole plane. You removed your hand from his other, wiping your finger on the hole before it closed up, the blood was on your finger now. Your husband looked at you as you took the blood off of your finger, letting it drip into your mouth. The metallic taste was oddly satisfying, it was a medicine that could heal you took. You began to relax, you knew that if something did happen then you would be fine.


"Put you seat belts on and prepare for landing." The pilot said through a speaker above you. But then the plane dropped a couple feet out of nowhere and you felt yourself gripping onto Klaus's hand, overthinking everything.

"It's an air pocket love." He informed you in a soothing voice. Niklaus also chuckled which earned him a stern look from you.

"Prepare for the landing." The pilot informed every single one of the cabins. You doubled - nope triple checked your seatbelt before peering out of the window. The sky was as clear as water and everything seemed surreal. You felt like a bird in that second, and you smiled for the first time that day.

"See," Nik whispered in your ear, "It's not all that bad - is it?" He asked and you nodded, even though the pit at your stomach was growing the closer you got. Within minutes you could make out lakes, buildings, houses, people and then the runway. You squeezed your husbands hand in fright before closing your eyes, waiting for the impact of hitting the tarmac. It was a rough landing but your scream got caught in your throat - luckily. You did not open your eyes, wondering if you were dead. That was until claps arose from around you, applauding the pilot as people usually do. You sighed with relief.

"I did it," You muttered to yourself as you turned towards Klaus, "I did it, Nik!" Suddenly you threw yourself at him sideways, beaming at him. He stroked a hand through your hair comfortingly,

"Fears are meant to be conquered, love." His voice was like music in your eyes, and your eyes sparkled as you looked into his. Now all that was left for you both was the rest of the world.

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