17: Kai Meets You In His Own Personal Hell

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Imagine: Before you died, your family tried to place you into a safe world you could escape out of. But somehow you ended up in a twisted world where no human roamed or an eclipse would occur everyday. You didn't understand why your family would send you somewhere as alone as this, especially as there were no clues on how to get out. Today was the day when you were going to rid yourself of it, in other words - die.

You stood on top of Mystic Falls High School, peering over the edge one last time. This was where you went to school, your best friends Matt and Tyler were still roaming on Earth whilst you were stuck in an alternate universe. You met them due to the fact you were a founding family member and have known each other ever since you were toddlers. But today you were willing to give up your life to live in comfort and peace without a chance of getting out of this hell. A tear rolled down your face, you didn't really want to die but baring the pain of no social interaction was worse. You grabbed a camcorder from your pocket and turned it on. At least a part of you wouldn't have fully died.

"Day one-hundred and sixty three, my death day. It's still the 10th of May 1994 and the eclipse is still happening at twelve forty. I just can't handle the empty feeling anymore, I'd rather find peace than live alone. So, if anybody finds this - probably my friends - I'd rather say my goodbyes like this." You whispered, crying even more as you leaned again the brick wall surrounding the rooftop.

"Matt Donovan, the only human in Mystic Falls," You laughed faintly before continuing, "Thank you for being the shoulder I could always cry on. I can't bare to see your face if you ever see this, but chin up soldier." You said, wiping your eye. "Don't ever forget me Matty blue eyes."

"Tyler Lockwood, the big bad wolf. Don't ever forget who you are, over all of the rage and hurt just remember you helped me deal with the fact I was a witch. If there was a way to undo what you became then take it; this isn't who you want to be." You whisper, smiling at the memories of when you were once little kids. 

"My Salvatore brothers, god I wish you were here with me. I need your humour Damon and I need your support Stefan. Ah, don't make me cry over the thought of you guys." You told the camera, wiping your eyes and looking up at the sky. The eclipse was soon, the time you set to jump.

"Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. I love you guys, thank you for being there and I cannot thank you even more for accepting who I am." You said, realising that you had less time than you thought. So instead of saying a massive goodbye, you turned the electronic device off and set it on the ground. You inhaled strongly as the moon began to cross over the sun and you climbed onto the edge of the school. Your legs were shaking as you looked off into the distance, from here you could see your house and it made you cry even more. You had no hope left, it was time. Somehow you moved one foot off the school but then placed it back on hesitantly. Did you really want to do this?

"Steady tiger, you might fall off." A male voice shouted behind you and you almost fell forward in surprise. Somebody was in this hell with you, you wasn't alone. You began to spin round and a hand reached for yours, which you gladly took. He helped you turn around and as you jumped back onto the pebbles he steadied you.

"I thought that nobody was in this world with me." You told him and he let out a half-hearted laugh,

"This is my hell, not yours." He told you, grabbing a pack of pork chips out of his pocket and gestured if you wanted some. You nodded your head, that is all you have been living on.

"Geez, you must have done something really bad." You spoke as you began to chew on a chip. He raised an eyebrow,

"Well, I killed my family and am plotting to kill my coven. I think that is on the margin of adequate." He said and you realise, he is Kai Parker who you had seen in the newspaper. You backed away slightly but he grabbed your wrist.

"But that will only happen once I get out of this place." He told you and yanked your hand away forcefully, crossing your arms.

"So do you know how?" You asked and he grinned. Of course he knew, a psychopath always found his ways.

"The ascendant," He told you as he twisted an unusual Bennet device in his hands, "Will get us out of here. You're Bonnie's cousin right?" He questioned you awkwardly and you nodded. How did he know your family tree so well. But then you realised that in 1994 there were photo albums everywhere in either families home.

"A drop of your blood and we're whizzed straight out of here." He said, pointing at a minuscule dot in the middle. There were going to be certain spells involved and you had to gain your magic back before hand.

"It'll take a while but we'll get out of here Malachai." You murmured, realising you knew his full name. This earned a grin from him and you bit your lower lip. There was no doubt that he was good-looking, he was like a devil disguised as an angel.

"How about I make you a celebratory dinner, Y/N?" He questioned you and you nodded before following him through the fire exit and outside of the school. It felt good to be alive, not exactly alive but it'll do.

He pulled you back from the edge, literally.

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