22: Kol Gets Annoyed At Your Ex Boyfriend

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Imagine: For quite some time now you have been dating the mighty Kol Mikaelson. He was amazing in many different ways, he was protective, smart, noble but also wild and reckless. He tend to snap at people that tried to harm you or get in between your relationship. But you had jut came out of a toxic relationship before hand. Lately your ex was texting you and you told him to stop but he wouldn't. Kol wanted to meet him in the flesh.

"I'm coming." You told Kol as you shoved on one of your fur coats. He didn't want you to see him, obviously incase you fell for him again. But in truth, you wanted to murder your ex boyfriend so badly that before he left you, you tried to escape from his grasp to call the cops.

"You're definitely not." He demanded, running down the stairs as he undid two buttons of his shirt and set his collar in place. Kol was already late for the time they planned and he didn't need anymore obstacles to get in his way.

"Please, I want to say my piece." You tell him, walking up to him and pushing his head so he stared at you. Your hand caressed his cheek lovingly, "I only love you Kol, not him, not anybody else. You." You whispered and kissed him succinctly, after moving backwards so he could continue to get ready. He began to roll up the arms of his shirt as if he was getting prepared to fight. You secretly hoped there would be conflict, after all your boyfriend could not die.

"Okay, sure. Just stay out of sight, promise me that." Kol responds, smiling as he peered into the mirror to see his dashing reflection. He was always perfect.

"I promise you." You agree, stepping your feet into a pair of beige Ugg boots and intwining your hand into his.

"Let's head out then, shall we?"


"Stay here." He instructs you as you stand by the abandoned and wrecked church. You roll your eyes, depressed that you cannot see the argument. But because of your undying love for Kol Mikaelson was so strong, you agreed and leaned against the mossy cobble stone.

"Just don't do anything dangerous," You told him as you scanned the area, "He doesn't know what you are."

"Well he'll see what I am if he doesn't stop texting you, love." The tone in his voice was angry, mischievous and part of you wanted to encourage that but you knew it would not serve the greater party.

"Calm down, Kol. Don't go all vamp on him, it's not worth it." You admit to him and rub a hand up and down his arm. After all, it wouldn't serve your greater agenda. You could feel him relax, relieved by your sudden gesture. He sighed, hiding a smile between his gorgeous lips.

"Alright, Y/N." He answered a another car pulled up on the grass, you recognised it to be your ex's. You scurried around the corner but peered around to see what was happening. Your boyfriend wondered towards him and grinned in a menacing way at the other male. Once they were close, they began to speak.

"So you're that mighty Kol she's dating," He scanned the Original up and down before adding, "She has downgraded from what I can see."

"She did. She downgraded with you, the guy who was abusive and didn't treat her like a lady." Your boyfriend replied and you smirked at his retaliation.

"And you're like what, twelve?" He replied and suddenly you tensed. If he told your ex how old he really was then everything was screwed. He would have to die or be compelled.

"I'm guessing you didn't pass your maths exam. I'm older than you think." Kol answered as he edged closer to him. You muttered under your breath so that only your vampire soulmate could hear.

"Kol, relax he's only toying with you." With one quick glance over his shoulder, he caught your gaze and stepped back. You were the role that hauled him back from the wild and deep end of his emotions, you saved him.

"Ah. So where is Y/N anyway? I'm suspecting you want to fight and she wouldn't miss it for the world. She'd definitely want to see me beat you up." You chuckled slightly at his understatement. The Original was obviously going to win, he was one of the most strongest things on the planet.

"Mate, I only came to talk-" Kol began, reassuring him that a fight was not going to solve anything. But your ex punched him in the face, knocking his jaw out of place. But in a unnatural way, your boyfriend clicked it back in.

"What the hell?" Your ex murmured, noticing what had just happened. You smiled at him, it doesn't matter now. So Kol punched him in the stomach, sending the other man against the tree. He strolled up to him as the other tried to scurry onto his feet, he was making matters worse for himself.

"Let's finish you up." Your boyfriend muttered and for a second you thought he was going to execute him but instead he only grabbed his face tightly and looked into his eyes.

"You will forget that you ever knew Y/N or that you even dated her. You will delete your message history and her contact and move to New York where you will live a good life. You will forget this ever happened." He compelled him and then nodded, suddenly confused about his surroundings. Once he had driven away, you ran up to your boyfriend and hugged him. He was stronger than ever today and he resisted the urges that would haunt you and him.

"I did it for you, my princess."

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