27: You Tell Elijah You're Carrying His Baby

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Imagine: You and Elijah had been together for ages. Also, you were a witch and your power was beyond strong - it was incredible how you controlled it. But you and Elijah never spoke of having a family, it couldn't physically happen. But things were about to change.

"You're pregnant with twins." The nurse said, obviously a witch. You blinked back at her as you peered down at your stomach. How was that physically possible? The only man that could be the father was a vampire, so it was not even possible.

"Elijah is going to murder me. But I have not done anything wrong, their father cannot be anyone but him." You muttered, feeling sicker. Your love for the Original vampire was infinite and you hoped he knew that what you told him was the truth.

"He will understand, you're over bubbling with magic and you must have done something unconsciously." They explained and suddenly it all made sense. Whenever you walk into a room you can just take a step and the candles will light in a fiery flame. You can look at your enemies and snap their neck, your power was getting the best of you.

"So Elijah is, and will be the father?" You questioned, your voice low and hushed.

"If he is the only man it could be, then it must be him." She replied and you smiled marginally, standing up from your chair before tucking it in.

"Thank you so much for your help, but now I will have to tell him."


"Klaus, I'm telling the truth!" You yelled, he asked you why you had walked out without informing him. He could of needed your power, your help. But once these two children are in the world then you will stop being his puppet.

"So you're saying my vampire brother, who by the way cannot procreate, is the father of these two babies inside you?" He shouted and you nodded, tears appearing in your eyes. But Niklaus would not believe the truth, paranoia and annoyance was shown in his voice.

"They are his blood," You told him in a croaky voice, "They are not an abomination, Klaus!" You yelled back at him, feeling the tears finally escape your eyes.

"You're comparing them to me? If you say that Elijah is the father of your kids then I will not believe you!" His voice was filled with rage as it echoed through the house. Suddenly you heard a heel click and you jumped, pulling your cardigan around your stomach and cowering.

"But I believe her." Elijah muttered, peering over the balcony before descending down the stairs. He looked overwhelmed but he was not supposed to find out this way.

"You're a vampire, mother ripped the chance of having children away from us a thousand years ago!" Klaus exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air. If anybody walked in, they would think that he was acting like a child. The thought bubbled inside your mind, making you almost laugh at the thought.

"Brother, think of it in your state. You have had a child, she was born into this world. Maybe Y/N's  power is overwhelming her, maybe for a second I was human." The other brother murmured, walking behind you protectively as he placed his hands on the sides of your shoulders. You inhaled at his touch.

"I believe her." Elijah told him firmly, sounding like a statement. You peered back at Niklaus Mikaelson, and he stepped back.

"Fine, if you so wish but once you find out that child is not yours then I will not show sympathy." He pointed at both of you before vamp speeding upstairs and into his painting room. You grinned, turning around to see your boyfriend.

"Elijah," You whispered, your voice gentle and soft as if you were saying a lullaby, "Do you think that you can handle this?" You asked and he lifted his hand hesitantly to your cheek, caressing it delicately.

"These children with be the best thing that has happened to me," He told you in a hushed voice as he leaned forward. His lips brushed yours, keeping the gap between you a minimum.

"For us."

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