15: Stefan Tells You That You Are The Only One He Loves

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Imagine: Stefan and Elena have been getting close lately and you and him have only been dating for a week. You are starting to get worried incase he gains feelings for her like he did before. It had only been a matter of weeks before he might crawl back to her. But tonight you had invited him round for a movie night and it was down to him to make it up to you. On top of that he has never told you he loves you.

You place the popcorn on the stove and turn the heat up. He should be coming any second now, and now that you have a selection of films laid out on the coffee table it is only down to him to put in the effort. The doorbell rang and you jogged towards it, peeping in the mirror to sort out your hair and pyjama's. So you quickly unlock the door to be faced with your boyfriend, his short hair jelled up into a quiff and his clothes sitting on his body restlessly. He was staying the night, luckily your parents were on a skiing trip in Switzerland and they wouldn't know about this.

"Stefan," You say as a smile tugs at the corner of his lips, "You came." Your voice softened as he walked inside, scanning the doorframe before taking your hand in his and caressing circles in between your thumb and forefinger.

"Why wouldn't I?" He questioned and you remembered the thought of the way here looks at her. But you shake the thought out of my mind and shrug your shoulders.

"I don't know really." You tell him as you walk towards the living room. He rests his hand on your shoulder instead and pulls you closer to him in a loving way. You stopped and turned towards him before pulling him in a brief kiss, he cupped your face as you gazed into each others eyes. You decided to take the big step.

"I love you, Stefan." You told him and he suddenly turned his head to the left. A part of you sank but his eyes met yours again.

"I..." He stutter and you grinned at him, "I think you left something burning on the stove." Stefan told you and suddenly you felt even more doubtful of your relationship than you ever did before. But you walked over to the stove and turned it off, the popcorn didn't burn but some of them you had to chuck away. As you flicked them distastefully into the disposal can, he couldn't help but look at you in an odd way. It was like he was trying to sort out a puzzle with different jigsaw pieces.

"Y/N are you okay?" He asked, walking up behind you so your bodies were inches apart. But you stayed where you were, facing the stove instead of him. You nod your head weakly, chucking the last pieces into the bin.

"You're upset, I can tell." He whispered in your ear but you began to pour the popcorn into the bowl. Afterwards there was nothing else you could do but face him.

"I don't really think it's up for discussion." You muttered, barging past him before grabbing a blanket from a box in the corner of you living room. He followed you, trying to figure out what you were hiding from him.

"It is as if I am doing something wrong." He stated and you placed the blanket on the couch before turning to him. From the moment he met you he had known you were not an open person, as a matter of fact you met him via Elena Gilbert.

"I didn't say it was you either." You reply, sitting down and reading the description of the film Passenger. It seemed good but something about it made you wonder if it was Stefan's taste.

"Look, I can't stay the night if you won't tell me what's bothering you." Stefan told you and you bit you lower lip in frustration. Why were you doing this to your relationship? But you nodded casually, trying to hide the fact that you felt ambushed by your own fears and imagination.

"Okay, you better be on your way then." You spoke as your voice grew croaky. He was finding it so hard to see you like this but he had to respect your decision. So he grabbed his bag and began heading towards the door. He began to shove on his coat when you thought, what do I have to loose?

"You're still in love with Elena, aren't you?" You questioned him in a raised voice. He spun around and dropped his bag before walking over to you. He shook his head so many times that you didn't believe any of it.

"No, Y/N. I'm not in love with Elena. We broke up and she still thinks that I am not over her when clearly I am happier with you. Why can't you see that?" He whispered, carefully placing one hand on your cheek and began stroking it. You leaned into his touch before meeting his eyes.

"I can't see that because you have never told me you love me. You avoided it earlier and you know it." You spoke to him, fury and tension rising within your voice. He licked his lower lip defeatedly before coursing a hand through his freshly cut hair.

"I avoided it because I'm afraid, Y/N. I'm afraid that I'll share everything with you and then tomorrow I will be a coward that you left behind. I don't want to be that guy anymore." Stefan told you, obviously getting even more upset than before. You pulled him into a hug, resting your head carefully on his shoulder whilst he did the exact same to you. Something about this gesture made him feel human again, like you.

"You don't have to be that guy, Stefan. You're not that guy with me," You whisper into his shirt, "I promise."

"You're the best person I've ever known." He tells you as you separate. You bite your lower lip and beam at yourself, for once you spoke up and it was for the better. The weight lifting off your chest was tremendous.

"And..." You gesture for him to continue you. For a second you swear that his cheeks become rosy. Wait did he just blush?

"I love you, Y/N." He told you and you smiled before kissing him passionately. You wanted to do this for ages but now that he has proven to be the best guy you have ever laid eyes on, you wanted to make it right.

The moment was right.

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