20: You Helped Alaric Grieve

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Imagine: Alaric is still grieving over Jo's death, the two babies were placed into Caroline. But nobody has seen him lately, his apartment is empty and even Damon hasn't heard from him for a few days. Everybody is getting worried, and you were his sister and was supposed to know where he was at all times.

"Alaric pick up you fricken' idiot!" You screamed at your phone, chugging a glass of Jack Daniels Honey before dialling your brothers number with tense thumbs. With a whopping exhale, you return to pouring some more into your glass. You've even counted, thirty-two unreturned calls. You sip your drink some more, listening to the constant beeping of your phone as it always goes to voicemail.

"I'm sure Ric will pick up, it's not like he can flip his humanity switch - he ditched all them perks a while ago." Damon told you, budging up beside you before taking your drink and finishing it. You pouted at him, he stole your drink.

"Aren't you supposed to be with Elena looking for him?" You asked and he shook his head, grabbing a glass before placing some of the JD into it.

"Stefan went with her, why wouldn't I want to stay with my girlfriend to see how she's coping?" He told you and you rolled your eyes. Baby sitting. You wasn't going insane, you were just slightly mad that he wasn't returning your calls.

"Because if you stay here much longer I'm going to drive you mad with the hours of beeping that I have been hearing from this phone!" You yelled, getting angry at yourself before pressing your thumb so hard on the call button that your finger actually went through the phone. For a second you stared at it, you wasn't even a vampire yet you broke a phone. But your thumb started to bleed, blood oozing everywhere as shattered glass and plastic dug into your skin. It hurt so bad and Damon ran to get a damp cloth before he started taking out the shards.

"This is going to hurt like crazy." He muttered before taking out the pieces, you let him. After every last shard was out, he wrapped your thumb in the cloth to let it heal before placing a plaster over the top.

"Thanks Damon." You murmured as you snuggled closer to him. He rested an arm on your shoulder as he downed his last glass of Jack Daniels Honey.

"You're welcome." He whispered back before you heard the door close. You spun your head to reveal your brother, standing with bags upon bags of items. You grinned at him, escaping your boyfriends grasp and hugging your brother. He dropped his bags, pulling you closer.

"Ric." Damon muttered, walking up to his friend. You let go, departing from your brother and grinning from ear to ear at him. Alaric Saltzman was back, he was going to need some good explanation to summon.


"Jo's death was too much for me," He spoke as he downed some of his bourbon, "She was a massive part of my life, the mother of my kids and most importantly my best friend." Damon whacked him on the chest, way too hard for a human and winded Alaric. I laughed as my brother gasped for air.

"I haven't missed that, buddy." He told Damon, causing him to chuckle.

"You have us, you didn't have to run. We love you no matter what." You told him greeting him with a smile. Damon caught your eye, but you intended to focus on your siblings return.

"This is where it turns into some cliché action movie. Starring Damon as super man, Y/N as cat woman and me - the awkward human." Everybody laughed, smiling at each other. This is what you missed the most, all three of you joking around under one roof.

"I'm human!" You moaned and before you knew it the night had ended, tomorrow was a mystery to unfold.

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