53: You Kiss Enzo

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Imagine: You really like Enzo - A lot. He has tried to confront you about it before but because you are an introvert, you didn't want to discuss it with him. Today you were going to the annual Founders Day Ball and you invited Enzo to be your plus one, but not your partner.

"How do I look?" You spun around in front of your bedroom mirror as your best friend smiled back at you. Your best friend was Caroline Forbes, the over-dramatic, sensitive vampire who was teeth-deep in love with Stefan Salvatore. They were together and it was extremely cute. You were also a vampire, turned by Caroline because you knew she couldn't live without you beside her.

"The red matches your hair and your make-up," She almost yelled as she covered her mouth with her hands, "Enzo is going to love you!" You tried not to take the word seriously, knowing that Enzo knew you didn't want to jump into things yet. Instead, you smiled weakly and turned back towards the mirror.

"Now I need to get some photos of us!" Caroline remembered, walking out into the hallway to find your sibling before bringing them back to take some photo's of you both. You tried to have fun, but the words that Caroline had said lingered in your head. As you posed for the last picture, you tried to force a genuine smile on your lips.

"Thanks!" Caroline told your sibling, ushering them out the room as you both grabbed your bags. On the way to the car, you both looked at the photo's together and then uploaded them to your social media's. But you tried to forget about the Enzo, even though he was going to be with you tonight.


Once you had arrived at the party, you couldn't see Enzo anywhere. Caroline had scurried off with Stefan, continuously apologising until she was out of hearing range. You didn't know what the Founder's Day Ball was going to be like this year, you had never really stayed for all of it. As you walked into the Lockwood property - as you had been invited inside before - you grabbed a drink of champagne and took as sip as you kept your eye's peeling.

"Y/N," Tyler spoke from behind you and you spun around with a smile, "I'm glad you came." He told you, grabbing a champagne for himself and taking a sip. As you began to speak and walk around the building, you realised Enzo wasn't to be found. Tyler was in mid-conversation to you when you interrupted him,

"I'm sorry Tyler, but has Enzo arrived yet?" You asked impatiently, your eyes darting around every inch of the room. He nodded and you gulped,

"He was speaking to some girl that's new to Mystic Falls," suddenly the Hybrid noticed the look on your face, "Crap. I'm sorry that you had to find out like this, I think they are still together. Why don't you check outside?" He offered and you nodded, quickly speeding away to the back door. As you walked through the garden, you tried to inhale his usually masculine smell or see his face in the crowd of people. But you couldn't. He must've taken her home, you thought as tears filled your eyes. So you sat on one of the benches, letting yourself finally realise that as much as you pushed Enzo away - you needed him. You had waited too long and he wasn't yours anymore.


Multiple people had come up to you and offered to help you as you cried. You tried to hide it but it didn't work, you just needed to go home. But the last thing you needed was to see Enzo with some red-headed girl as she was pressed directly against him. As the girl twirled a piece of hair around her finger, Enzo stiffly laughed at her jokes as she giggled. The girl had curves in all the right places and had the style that Enzo would want a girl to have - she probably smelt better too.

Without thinking, you stormed over there, letting the tears drip down your face. Enzo then noticed you, the ruined make up and the beautiful dress. Your perfect look had been ruined and Caroline would want to kill you for that. The girl stayed pressed up against him, fiddling with the front of his shirt and whispering things into his ear. But all he saw was you, the tears rolling down your cheeks and the hurt in your eyes.

"Y/N..." His voice trailed off as you approached him and the girl. He didn't even attempt to push her off, he stood there like a lost sheep but then suddenly looked down at her, "You will walk away now." And the red head sighed, rolling her eyes before walking back inside. Once it was just you two, he went to speak but you did the unexpected. You slapped him.

"You bastard! Let me guess, you were her plus one tonight?" You asked, feeling your hand tingle after you had slapped him. Enzo held his cheek and then looked directly at you, the feelings you had earlier was almost identically shown on his face. As much as you tried, you had to feel some sort of sympathy or guilt.

"What does it matter anyway? We're not together." The last sentence really hit home and you felt the lump in your throat grow bigger. Suddenly you burst out crying, your feelings not keeping themselves contained any longer. For a moment, he watched you cry, he didn't know what to do. Then he embraced you and took you back to the nearest bench.

"Tell me what I've done wrong." He whispered in you ear, moving a strand of your hair away from your face. This was the closest you and Enzo had ever gotten and you decided it was finally time to fess up.

"You let me fall in love with you." You stated adamantly, not even bothering to look up to see his face. Suddenly his whole body froze,

"How is falling in love a bad thing, Y/N?" He asked, pushing your chin up with two of his fingers so he could finally see your face. You swallowed, not knowing how to express why you never wanted to tell him in the first place.

"You make me feel vulnerable, you make me want to change every belief and opinion I have because I want you. Enzo, you have destroyed my life in many ways - so falling in love with you is like getting put into jail for the deeds you have done." His eyes were almost glistening in the lights of the house from afar and you could have sworn blind he was smiling at all of those insults that you attempted to bury him inside. Enzo leaned in, his fingers still on the bottom your chin. But his lips passed your mouth and stopped at your ear,

"Loving me is a bad choice?" He asked you, his British accent becoming more evident up close. Slowly, you nodded and his heart skipped a ton of beats at once. You felt so exposed, like your whole love for him was laid out in front of him. The thoughts you had, the wishes you had made - it was like he could see them as clear as day.

"So why don't we keep making bad choices?" Enzo finally spoke as you felt his breaths against your ear. Without thinking, you placed a hand against the side of his cheek, which caused him to gaze into your eyes.

"That sounds like fun." Suddenly, you passionately pressed your lips against his and he kissed you back. He pulled you closer and that's when you realised something. For once, you had chosen what was right for you.

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