26: Stefan Turns Your Humanity Back On

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Imagine: After a plane crash killed your parents and your brother died in a fire, you forced yourself to turn off your humanity. That was one of the perks you loved about being a vampire, getting free ticket out of the hell to come. So once your brother's funeral ended, you decided to head out into New Orleans, after all it was one of the most supernaturally flooded places and they wouldn't notice a human or two go missing. But it had been months since you had turned it off, none of your friends had found you yet but you knew that they had followed the trail of bodies you left out for them around the state. You had became your worst nightmare, a ripper.

"You will not scream or move." You tell a random girl you found strolling across the alleyway near a bar. She nodded, compelled by you to stay put. So you leaned your head back, ready to dive into your next meal and you began to drain her. The metallic taste was fresh in your mouth, as ripe and good as you could last remember. She didn't scream, just as you told her to. Luckily, vervain wasn't in the water supply so it was easy to get a hold of a walking-talking blood bag. Suddenly she went limp in your hands, no guilt or pain flooded over you and it hadn't in months.

"Did you drink enough? Plenty more people in the bar." A voice said behind you, Stefan had found you. You inhaled, annoyed that he ruined one of your perfect nights. Drain, kill, sleep and repeat. That is how your day went and the glory of it felt amazing.

"Sorry Salvatore, I'm pretty sure you've been following all of my fake trails." You told him as you spotted a human in the distance, walking towards the alley.

"You can be fixed, Y/N. You have to co-operate though." He reminded you and suddenly you sighed, he wasn't going to fix you by telling you all of his plans. So you stepped forwards, running a hand up his shirt.

"Why don't you join me, Stefan? I'm pretty sure that you're still drowning in sorrow about Elena hooking up with your brother." You whisper seductively, meeting his eyes. For a minute you thought you saw a cross of emotion, love and pity. But you ignored it, after all you didn't want to catch feelings.

"Sorry, but no." He answered, pushing you away slightly. Feeling rejected you grabbed the woman that began to stroll past you. You wanted him to see the monster you were, to see that you could not be fixed. She struggled in your touch as you pulled her head to the right as you revealed her throat.

"Well I cannot be fixed, Salvatore. I'm the monster that everybody has feared that I would become." You tell him, allowing your fangs and under eyes veins to pop out once to terrorise him to believe it. His face looked startled that you were willing to kill an innocent bystander. She screamed but nobody cared.

"Don't, Y/N." He demanded but you lifted your head back as you were about to pounce on your main course of the night. But then you felt a grip on your head and suddenly everything went black with a crack.


Some time later, you wake up in a cellar. Your vision begins to focus and you felt as sick as a dog. He obviously vervained you, yet you do not understand who snapped your neck. Stefan was still in your sight whilst your neck cracked out of place, so it was not him. With a groan, you roll your head to the side and close your eyes. They were going to do the same with you as what they usually do to Stefan, vervain you, drain you and then force you to turn the emotion back on. But the thought of grieving was annoying and you could not go through with it. They still had hope in you and it was your job to convince them that the old you was gone.

"Ripper girl's awake." Damons' voice echoed as your head began to pound. You raised a hand to your head to try and relieve the pain.

"Great, now let's put her back out again." The other brother replied and for once you didn't care. They wasn't willing to keep you in here forever.

"She's already went through a load of that stuff, it's just delaying what you really want to do." Damon told him and suddenly you were curious, what did he want to say to you or do to you? Was he going to beat you until you finally flipped the switch? Or was he going to flip it off with you? All of these thoughts traced your mind and you were intrigued.

"What are you trying to say, brother?" Stefan questioned back, resting his arm against the other side of the door cellar. You lifted your head up slowly to face the door, too tired to even contemplate moving.

"We all know what you feel for her, Elena does, Caroline does and even Elijah told us that he saw you pitiful when she ran off into his city." This news did begin to raise the shadows that had suffocated you for months and part of you was willing to keep covered and influenced by it. You inhaled large masses of air, this news was bringing you hope you never knew you had.

"And so what? She'll never come back to me, she won't come back all together. Damon, can't you see that she is gone? Months have passed and she's enjoying her new life more than she did with her last. I don't want to take that away from her." He sighed and the weight was lifting ever so quickly that you could feel it dragging through your bones and coursing out of your skin. It was as if a mass infection was being cured and you couldn't stop it.

"Until when, tomorrow? Next week? Next month? A year? A decade? She's going to keep killing people until somebody finds her and by the time you try to warn her she'll be dead." Damon argues back and you begin to shake your head. The pain and overwhelm was taking over you, it was rising with no control and you were going to feel more human now than you ever did in the last few months.

"No," You croaked as you closed your eyes, "You're making me think this is true. It is a method to get me back."

"Is it working?" He asked back, peering through the bars. You were too fragile to even strangle him and you kept your eyes closed.

"Yes, and don't you dare think that it will completely work." Your breath was low but you knew that with his heightened senses he could definitely hear you. Suddenly he was in the room and the door was wide open. Luckily they were prepared incase you tried to escape and your arms were linked inside a pair of metal chains. He bent down right in front of your face so his eyes made contact with yours.

"That feeling that you're feeling right now, let it in Y/N." He whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. You shook your head and swallowed. But did he really mean that he loved you?

"Stefan, don't do this to me." You pleaded as the weight was nearly gone. He placed a hand against your cheek and it suddenly quickened up the process.

"I love you, Y/N. I'll be waiting for you as long as it takes." He muttered and you closed your eyes. You wanted to feel the emotion in his voice, you wanted to feel everything but the consequences were going to come crashing down and you didn't know if you could handle that. You suddenly opened your eyes to be faced with nothing.

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