3: Elijah breaks up with you

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Imagine: You have been dating Elijah Mikaelson - the honourable Original - for almost two years now. You've had your ups and downs, but he has saved you. He even told you that you were going to be together 'always and forever'. Klaus wasn't fond of you at first, you were one of Rebekah's good friends as well. Kol was never around, but you and Elijah fell in love at first sight; as cringe as it sounds. But today you woke up with a different feeling, something bad was going to happen.

As you stir in your sleep, you are awaken by Elijah pulling you closer towards him. Lately, you have had several bad dreams - mostly of loosing you most loved one. So this was a usual gesture, he wanted to save you from whatever your dreams were haunting you with. But you turn around so you are facing him. You loved being able to see this side of Elijah, his unorganised personality. In the mornings, his hair is always messy and his face is still dragging him to sleep. As you smile, you nuzzle against him as his hands wrap around your waist lazily.

"Goodmoring, Y/N." He mutters as you rest your head underneath his. You loved how your name rolled of his tongue, the sound of his voice always gave you a shiver of excitement.

"Morning Elijah." You whisper, hugging him kindly.

"I haven't seen you lately, you're always out either dealing with Klaus or working. Cant we just had today to our selves?" You plead, pushing yourself back so you can see his face. A glint of thought appeared in his daringly beautiful eyes as you bit your lower lip as you grinned.

"Well the city and Niklaus can wait." He compromised as you smiled. You ran a hand up his muscular arm towards his shoulder before it reached his neck. Elijah kisses your forehead briefly, just like he does every morning before he heads out into the open world of New Orleans.

"Elijah, if you want to spend some time later you can just say so." You murmur, tilting your head down so your head faces the duvet. Silence hangs in the air for a few seconds, tension rising around the room. But his fingers press your head upwards to you're facing him.

"I would say now is more suitable." Elijah replies in a hushed voice before kissing you. Once you seperate, he kisses you straight lips briefly after before combing a hand through your hair.

"Marcel wants you dead, Y/N." He whispers this news to you suddenly. But your heart stops beating - you may have killed all of his inner circle using a dozen stakes but that was only revenge. He murdered your parents but only as he had a rough night a few years ago. You wanted to strike revenge whenever it may be necessary or whenever he least expect it.

"But I know what that means Elijah. I'm going to have to run, travel to a new place and make a whole new life. I love it here in New Orleans." You mutter, pulling him closer as you kiss his lips. This isn't really a situation you want to discuss but it cannot be avoided.

"I cannot leave with you, I have this city within my power. But you know that he will do whatever it takes to obligate you and push you out of the picture. I cannot prepare you for your future." He says, not returning your kiss as you expected it. Something was different, that weird feeling you had felt earlier was sinking in.

"No, please don't make me leave you. We've been fine for two years, Elijah; that's the longest an original has gone without having something ruin it. I can't let this get in the way." You reply desperately, trying to grasp the last remains of hope he has left. He sits up but pull you up so your head rests on his bare chest.

"You have to go, and I promise I will call you every single day - checking on you and Marcel to make sure no progress has been made to harm you. I'll come to your house every single night, but everybody has think we're not together so then when he does try to use you against me, I can just reject it easily." Elijah explains and you grin. You know this will be your last day together, you want it to be right.

"Let's just say, whenever Marcel says anything to harm me, just imagine he is asking 'Do you love Y/N?' and you will reply with a positive reaction." You insist and he grins at your idea.

"Less talking." He instructs as he pulls you closer into a hug.

This isn't the end for you and Elijah Mikaelson, it's only the beginning.

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