18: Kai Meets You In His Personal Hell (Part 2)

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Imagine: So you have only just realised that somebody else is in this hell hole with you, Malachai Parker who is also a psychopath. But you still followed him back to your residence, a home which you were only a child in.

"How do you know where I live?" You ask, slightly worried that he may have known you in your past. You definitely didn't want anymore drama.

"Watching you trying to fill out space 27 across in the crossword is hilarious. Yellow Leadbetter." He told you, spilling the answer to you as if it was not the only thing keeping you sane the last hundreds of days. You scribbled it in, Yellow Leadbetter.

"So you've been watching me?" You question him again, satisfied with your completed word search. He reached into one of your cupboards to get some pots and pans and you watched him closely.

"Not necessarily, I've seen you about." He replied, turning on the gas and spilling oil onto the surface of the frying pan. You walked over as he headed for the knives. Kai reached for one but you took it first, holding it away from him.

"Okay, okay. I get it, you saw that I want to murder my whole coven and you think I'll murder you. Maybe I will if you don't give me the knife." A tint of anger rose in his voice but you wasn't afraid of him. You had been through much more than just dying, you had died over and over again for what you believed in and nothing was going to break you now.

"Kai, if you calm down I'll give it to you." You improvised, walking towards the chopping board full of vegetables and began to cut the pepper. He licked his lips in concentration and stood behind you, his head peering over your shoulder. But this time you shivered, a man with no sorrow or pain was trying to show some act of kindness?

"Why do you see that there is good in me?" He questioned in a hushed voice, but then it hit you. As a child, Kai must have not been wanted or even considered to be a good person and he has taken that it must be true. He thinks he has to be the villain.

"Nobody is born bad." You whispered back, holding your breath as you sliced the next piece carefully. He still stood there, considering everything you said. Without question, you placed the knife in his hand calmly whereas his shook. But as a comforting gesture, you placed your hand over his.

"Villains can take breaks."


You finished your chicken salad, it was a light meal because you had figured you guys would be travelling a lot. He kept staring at you whilst you took mouthfuls but you smiled back, blushing automatically. One time, you caught his eye and decided to say something.

"Why do you keep staring at me like that?" You asked, finishing your dinner and pushing your plate forward for more input. He flashed his pearly white teeth, his cheeks going red as well.

"You've said things nobody has said to me before," Kai began awkwardly, his hand moving hesitantly towards yours. He was feeling emotion, something people thought he was incapable of doing, "My family think I just want to kill people and destroy everything but I don't. I want to live my life too, then I'll kill them." You burst out laughing and his eyes widened,

"Sorry, all I can imagine is an eighty year old version of you trying to prod people to death with a stick." He chuckles too before placing the last piece of chicken in his mouth. 

"But that doesn't explain to me why you are looking at me like that." You point to him as he does it again. He continues to do it and you smirk marginally, looking down at your empty plate. But then you suddenly feel his hand on yours and you lift your head slowly to look up at it.

"What even is this?" Kai asks you, pointing fingers at both of you, "It feels as if my eyes are stapled to you and you're putting a nonexistent spell on me to not know the words to say when you're around. It's as if you're forcing me to do things by sheer will." His face looks genuinely puzzled and you don't want to tell him just yet what it is. So you smile and remove your hand from under his before standing up and saying,

"Maybe you'll have to find out this one by yourself." You wink before strolling out of the room.

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