11: Jeremy Breaks Up With You

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Imagine: Before anything supernatural began to happen, you found out you was a witch. Jeremy was the only one there for you, and as you grew closer you both developed feelings which caused you to begin to date. But the drugs he has been taking is making him act differently towards you and he is beginning to get unpredictable.

You were going to meet your boyfriend at the park today, but looking good was very crucial. So you wore your favourite dress, it was Y/F/C (your favourite colour) so as you put it on you muttered a spell to blow out the candles in your room. You smiled at your appearance before heading out the door.

"Where are you going?" Your mom asks as you begin to make your way down your front lawn. You turn back to her, grinning from ear to ear.

"The park to see Jer, I'll see you later mom." You replied, running around the corner before she could say anything. Jeremy didn't like coming over your house, his parents car accident was only two months ago and you were helping him grieve. But crossing Wickery Bridge was too soon for him. So as you walked across the bridge you remember how strong he has been, despite the drugs and smoking - he has taken their death better than you thought. You didn't think Jeremy would make it to the next grade but he has.

"Hey," He mutters as he meets you a few blocks down from the bridge. You smile at him and he returns your smile back.

"Hey." You reply as he takes your hand in his. But a weird feeling settles in the air as you walk down the road silently, nobody is talking. So you decide to speak up.

"How's your week been?" You ask, hoping to lighten up the atmosphere. Jeremy shrugs, ignoring citizens who stroll beside us.

"The usual, struggling to stay strong when your parents decide to die on you-" But you interrupt him because he keeps using the same words over and over and you're sick of it.

"Your parents didn't die on you. The car drove off the bridge during the storm, it isn't their fault that they had to pass away. Saying your parents has died on you is the worst thing you could ever tell yourself." You admit, turning towards him. He tenses slightly, you never argue with him but you can smell what he has been taking this morning. Part of it grosses you out, the fact that drugs are his distraction from the real problem. He needs to sort out his life and carry on like the whole town did a month ago.

"Don't tell me how I can and can't think, Y/N." He mutters through gritted teeth and pulling your closer to him by your wrist. You snatch your hand away in disgust and avoid eye contact with him,

"Jer, I've tried to help you so many times but you keep pushing me away just like everyone else. You pushed away Bonnie, Matt, Caroline and even your own sister Elena." You tell him and his rage grows by the minute. He thinks you are trying to wind him up on purpose but really your trying to show him reality.

"Shut up! You don't know me at all, Y/N. Why are we even still together?" He shouts and strangers begin to stop and stare. You tuck a piece of hair behind you ear and gradually walk back towards Wickery Bridge.

"I didn't mean that." Jeremy starts to follow you and you turn around with tears rolling down your gentle skin.

"Just don't Jeremy." You plead and jog away so then he won't say anything else.

He was your salvation but truthfully your destruction.


I'm not saying I support drugs here. I'm trying to tell you guys how Jeremy was a couple of months after the crash. We all know that in season one he wasn't handling his parents death well but nobody would, and obviously I don't support the way he chose to forget that. So thank you for understanding. Also

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