43: Kol Meets You

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Imagine: You was one of Klaus's living and breathing hybrids, one of the only ones that didn't get killed in order to raise Silas. Afterwards you ran, knowing he'd find you and decide to kill you too. But then he caught you, tortured you and was taking your free will.

"I just realised," You sighed as the sedative wore off, "I've gotten to know you quite well since you captured me." Klaus laughed, mocking you. He was dragging you into the Mikaelson house, just as he usually done after you had fed. At least he let you drink fresh blood.

"You don't know me, love, not even my family." He smiled, one that was supposed to intimidate you - but it didn't. Klaus had grown softer ever since he had met Caroline and you silently hoped that would make it official sooner. Even you could see their connection.

"Well, isn't that tragic?" You chuckled this time, earning a glare from him. He was trying to indicate for you to shut up before things got worse for you, but you continued to laugh.

"I'll probably just leave you in the hands of my brother," You hadn't met his family, only the annoying barbie doll who names herself Rebekah, "Elijah!" Klaus wasn't usually one to shout in his family home, he liked the subtle atmosphere. You must have deeply annoyed him this time.

"He's not home, but I am." A man appeared at the top of the stares and you felt yourself staring. He was wearing navy joggers with a vest top. He must have been working out - the tell tale sign was the ruby colour of his face and the liquid dripping from his pores. Klaus smiled, and you finally let yourself breathe even though you didn't know you had held it.

"Kol. You wouldn't mind keeping an eye on her for an hour or two? If she gets too bad just vervain her, I have some syringes of it in the kitchen." Why the kitchen, of all places, you wondered.

"Let me guess, Caroline finally has time for you. Her work load is a busy schedule, I wonder what you did to earn that hour..." Your voice trailed off and you could see his nostrils flare. Caroline was a good person, but she was too innocent for him. But it did make him calmer, but not when somebody spoke to him about her.

"How about you put her out now, Kol?" He muttered before storming out the front door and slamming it shut. You tried to untie your hands but it was no use. Kol jumped off the edge of the stairs and landed on his two feet before walking over to you. Your heart skipped a beat.

"I'll get that for you." Kol whispered, walking behind you slowly before grabbing your wrists. Without a thought, he put your hair over your shoulder. It wasn't needed and you both knew it. Then he carefully began to loosen the knots.

"Why are you doing this?" You questioned him, turning your head to the side. He finally released your wrists, which had been tied together for some time now. He let out a sigh, running his hand through his chocolatey hair. The Original Vampire wasn't sweating anymore, but you could hear his heart rate and it was high.

"My brother can be a bit of a bastard sometimes," Kol laughed at the irony and you grinned, "I'll give you the free time until he gets home. I can't keep you like this forever." You knew what he meant, apparently Klaus used to dagger his siblings and you knew what would happen to him if he let you go. Also, this would be the last day you walked on this Earth, then you would become a rotting corpse in Mystic Fall's burial ground - ashes in his back garden. Kol began heading towards the stairs.

"Can I spend my free time with you?" The words blurted out of your mouth and you instantly regretted it. But he nodded and allowed you to follow him.

Even though it was the only day you was able to be free, you was glad to have spent it with him.

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