66: Elijah Turns You

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Imagine: You and your friends have dared you both to stay in the same house for 24 hours because they don't believe it when you said that you do not like each other. Little do they know, the hate is what covers your love for each other, even after months of sorting your real hate out, you were already dating.

"Fine!" You exclaim to Elena as she pulled up onto the driveway of her family cottage. You felt extremely rude for staying here, considering that her parents used to own the house and now they were dead. "I'll try to be nice to him. But I make no promises."

Elena giggled as she pulled the brake, "It looks like Elijah is already here. I hate leaving anybody with a Mikaelson, God knows what he can do. Look, we can turn back if you really wish because now I'm scared that you really do hate each other."

"I know he could kill me, but that's what the vervain in my back pocket is for." You peered down at your pocket, knowing that Elena was aware of the weapon in your pocket. You knew you wouldn't have to use it on Elijah, after all, your love was sacred and something that neither of you wished to share with anybody else.

Hauling yourself out the car, you opened the boot and grabbed your bag full off new clothes and other necessities. Elijah had peered through the window and you bit your lip to keep you from smiling to him, which was extremely easy due to the amount you had done this. You turned to Elena as you trotted up the steps, "I'll text you if I need anything."

Unlocking the door, you waved goodbye as Elena drove off. Dropping your Nike bag to the floor, you found Elijah in the living room, sitting by the fireplace as the flames flickered. He smiled at you and you found yourself pulling the blinds closed. Stefan and Caroline had been put on duty to check on you every so often, so you needed privacy from them and you never knew where they would sneak around.

"Hello," Elijah welcomed you as you stood in from of him, he tugged on the hems of your shirt, "Princess."

Leaning forwards you pressed your lips against his, not aggressively or hungrily, it was a bitter sweet kiss with barely any pressure. Sometimes you wanted to take things further between you to, but Elijah had recommended that you both should take it slow. He never had that chance with any of his other relationships and he knew that he wanted you forever. His hand slid down your neck and to your back, pulling you closer and embracing your lips more passionately with his own before pulling away.

"Why does being with you remind me of Romeo and Juliet?" You asked him curiously, hauling yourself into his lap as his fingers traced circles at your shoulders. He cracked a smile and drifted his hand smoothly down your back.

"Because," He paused and licked his lips, "Till Death Do Us Part."

Locking your lips together, Elijah didn't even try and pushed you away as your kiss grew more heated. He let you slide you hands across his shirt, maybe not unbuttoning it, but you could still feel the carves of his muscles like an artist observing their handiwork. His lips landed at your neck and then he paused, looking at you for permission. You cleared your throat, "If only I can have yours in exchange."

Suddenly his fangs were in your neck and you felt the original sting of what would normally be a bloody wound. You used your mundane teeth to create a wound in his wrist, and the blood cascaded down his wrist as you looked at it. Hesitantly, you licked it off before drinking his blood too. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you deepened your teeth into his wrist as you continued to consume. Suddenly he jerked away before kissing you, his lips covered in your blood and yours covered in his. You was all his.

"Elijah," You panted as you held a finger to his lips, "Kill me."

"What?" He asked, pushing you away slightly and dropping his hands into yours. You blinked back at him, as if the reasons were obvious. Elijah shook his head, "I'm not making you into a vampire, Y/N, you don't want to live like this. Constantly hungry, being hunted, unable to walk in the sunlight..."

"So you're just going to let me die old and grey whilst you're still young and handsome? Elijah, I am in love with you and I want to be with you forever. However long you live." You answered, staring into his rather lusting brown eyes. He hated saying no to you, whether it was turning down a date or a cup of coffee - he loathed it. His eyes never met yours once, so you pushed his head towards yours, "Elijah, have I-"

He interrupted you calmly, "You've done nothing, princess, you're just making me feel selfish for wanting to kill you and let you spend eternity by my side. It's a Niklaus situation, plus, what will we say to the others."

"That we hate each other, everything I said today was like a bug clinging to your skin, nibbling until I hit a nerve and you lashed out to kill me. As a human, I wasn't fast enough and didn't survive." You cunningly elaborated your plan to your boyfriend and he liked it. Slowly, he hauled you closer to him, briefly touching his lips towards your forehead.

"Are you sure?" He questioned you, moving one of his hands under your head to support your body weight and mass. You pressed your hand against his cheek, slowly drifting a finger over his carefully crafted skin.

You whispered, "I'm always sure with you."

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