14: Klaus Kisses You

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Imagine: You and Niklaus Mikaelson have been partners in crime for as long as you remember. You've stuck by his side through everything, Elijah and Rebekah thank you for that. But you couldn't help but feel something for this certain Original and you couldn't shake it off.

You stood in the doorway, admiring your best friend as he flicked paint onto the canvas in front of him. It was his way of expressing himself, the only thing - apart from you - keeping him sane. He was trying to draw something, but at this early stage in his art you could never tell what he was going to create.

"Nik!" You chirped, causing him to spin around. He smirked at you and waved, kindness and solidarity bleached into his eyes. He had been looking at you like this for weeks now and your brain was still confused to why.

"Y/N, you're here." He told you back, gesturing you forward to see his painting. You smiled at it, the moon was shining upon a silhouette of two people but it still wasn't fully completed. As you pressed a finger against the fresh, wet black paint he batted your hand away annoyingly, accidentally swinging your finger towards his face before creating a line of paint along his cheek. He laughed it off, and so did you. Suddenly, he struck for face with a burgundy colour as he left a hand print mark behind.

"Hey!" You shouted, smothering cyan paint on his forehead. He grinned at you mischievously before you yelled again, "If you dare do anymore Niklaus-" But he had already dipped his hand in emerald paint and caressed your cheek so half of your face was painted. But his hand didn't distance itself after wards. So you flicked some pink paint at him, splashing some against his shirt and his face. 

"That was unfair," He told you in a hushed voice with a playful hint in his voice, "Now I have to give you revenge." Nik spoke, looking down for a second. He was either going to snap your neck or take away the blood bags, there was no other choice.

"I didn't mean to Klaus!" You begged him, a frown pondering on your lips. He caught your eye again, but he didn't look at you as if you were his prey anymore. He looked at you as if you were his salvation.

"Revenge is sweet, just like you." He whispered, and suddenly every gesture and emotion you had felt towards him came crashing to the surface. Everything was clearer now, you could feel the hand on your cheek and the look he gave you before welcoming you into his room. Everything has changed.

"Niklaus..." You muttered before he pressed a light, feather-like kiss on your lips hesitantly. He wanted to know if this is what you wanted. He didn't want to be selfish with you, he didn't want to ruin your friendship either. Before anything else, you caught his eye just after the moment and he could tell you wanted this. So you pulled his face closer, drifting your hand to the back of his neck.

"Always and forever." Klaus murmured, a grin playing on his lips. Now that was a statement, you thought to yourself. He closed the gap all together, pressuring the kiss every now and then.

"Finally," Elijah said, making you both jump as you parted, "You finally got the girl, brother."

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