51: (REQUESTED) Klaus Uses Hope As Chick Bait

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Imagine: You were born and raised in New Orleans, you also became a vampire there. But after years had passed, you decided it was another chance to go back home and see how things were. You hoped that you wouldn't see familiar faces, but know your luck you were going to bump in to somebody - but you hadn't.

You were strolling through the streets of New Orleans, hoping that you wouldn't run into any familiar faces. It had only been two years since you were turned into a vampire, and you wasn't ready to confront everybody. But you didn't know that.

Music filled the air, streets were covered in art and people were desperately roaming around to get to places before the night ended. But that was the things with New Orleans, the party never ends. She had learned that the hard way and it costed her life.

"Excuse me," You heard a British voice call from behind you, instantly spinning around to see a handsome chap in front of you, "Do you know where I could find any daycare around here?" In his arms you noticed a rather cute looking baby, her eyes frantically searching the city.

"I'm pretty sure there is none, you know - New Orlean's barely sleeps. So if you need somebody to look after her... I guess I could." You offered, finally realising you going to have to explain everything. The vampire who turned you... He was the king of this city.

"You know, I don't have anywhere to be either." He replied and you grinned, your cheeks blushing when you noticed.

"You have nowhere to be do you? This little cutie here is just for chick bait. Nice try, it isn't going to work on me." You turned on your heel and began to walk away, but suddenly he was in front of you. Vampire. For a moment, your heart almost stopped when you noticed - you could barely smell and human blood. The whole city was what you were, they were call creatures of darkness.

"Let me leave," You told him, banging your shoulder against his but he grabbed your wrist, "Great, now you've made the stupid damn baby you have hired cry." You rolled your eyes but he looked taken aback. His piercing blue eyes almost looked hurt, making you feel slightly guilty for what you had said to him. You hadn't even gave him a chance. But you wasn't looking for love, not right now.

"She's my child, you know. You must have heard about the Miracle Mikaelson Baby, right?" He smirked and that's when you realised. In front of you, in the flesh were the two strongest beings in the planet. Klaus and Hope Mikaelson. There was a rumour that she had died at childbirth, but obviously those rumours weren't true. When you were silent for a moment, he peered down at his child and rubbed her arm soothingly.

"Wow. I'm sorry. That was insensitive. If you're here then you want something, right?" Your voice trembling, your brain reeling back to the terrible stories you had heard about him. He was apparently superior, he was an Original Vampire. He had killed many people but still felt no sorrow or guilt towards their deaths. He was bad, you was good. But that's always how it starts out.

"No, no," He reassured you, but then he suddenly thought, "Just your presence."


I'm so sorry that it's short I just didn't know what to do for this one. I apologise so much, but I will try and think of other things to maybe make a part 2 :) 

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