8: How You Meet Stefan

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Imagine: You're the new kid at school, nobody likes you and nobody ever has. You've made it till lunch, but you feel as if you're going to have a mental breakdown. People have already spread rumours about you and have already tried to humiliate you. But you can't take it anymore, you're thinking of dropping out of school and taking your classes online - but you know that you can't afford online tuition. So as the bell rang, you jogged out of class.

You were the first to get to the lunch line, it was a good idea to be at the front so then nobody would bother you or try to talk to you. So as you passed each section, grabbing the healthy stuff but forcing yourself to take a slice of pizza, you used your time wisely. Once you had paid, you felt a stiff hand on your shoulder, pulling you away and near the table. All the jocks hung out there, laughing and pointing at girls who had their skirts way too high for your taste.

"Thanks for paying for my lunch." The man said, snatching the tray from your arms and devouring your apple. You looked down at your feet, afraid to speak. Anything you said always made it worse.

"Give it back." A voice demanded behind you. As you spun around, your saw a tall figure with a tanned complexion. His short, brown hair contrasted his sere eyes and as he walked around you, you breathed in his masculine sent.

"What did you say, Salvatore?" The bully asked, standing up to reveal that he was slightly taller than the male who helped you. Mr. Salvatore - whoever he was - did not cower for a second. He  stepped even closer, making complete eye contact before repeating.

"Give it back and show her respect." He muttered, tensing his jaw before the other man blinked. Weirdly, he picked up the tray and handed it back to you. You smiled at him before walking away with the guy who saved you.

"Salvatore, nice name." You complimented, it felt strange having somebody to talk to. He fiddled with a bulky ring on his finger before replying,

"Stefan Salvatore, bit of an old name but it has grown on me over the years." He told you, and you felt yourself becoming flustered.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, thank you for helping me out back there; it has been a pretty tough day." You admit, biting into your pizza slice before sitting down on a bench outside. Being a freshman wasn't so easy but at least you made a friend.

"I haven't been here for much longer than you, don't worry you're like fresh meat - they'll back off eventually." Stefan whispered and you laughed slightly. It was like he was trying to explain that you're some sort of prey.

"Nice ring you have there." You pointed to it which was wrapped around his finger.

"I wouldn't call it nice, but I'm kind of stuck with it," He murmured, covering it with his hand, "Family traditions always suck." He joked, but you smiled.

"My family have a tradition that if one of us makes a friend we have to take them out for dinner." You insisted and he placed a hand on your knee casually before he replied,

"Like I said, family traditions suck. So why don't I take you out for dinner?" Stefan questioned, squeezing your knee gently which caused you to beam at him. 

"Sure, why not?" You bit your lower lip as you continued talking, "Where?" He stood up and you followed, the bell was about to go.

"We'll decide after school." He said as you caught up with him. The trees were rustling as you began to stroll to the next block.

"I have History next, I could meet you-" But he interrupted. You didn't care, being friends with somebody that was good-looking was a perk.

"We have history together." He stopped to face you and you felt an unfamiliar spark pass between the both of you.

It wasn't luck, it was fate.

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