19: You Meet Damon's Family (1864)

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Imagine: Damon has been your boyfriend for a couple of weeks and somehow you have pushed Katherine out of the picture. You could tell she wasn't good for him, hence her supernatural abilities. Stefan was still in love with her but you knew that you could not save everybody from her deathly disease. Today is the day you will meet his family, you needed to make a good first impression.

"It's quite loose," You told your maid as she tightened your corset dress. You couldn't help but be slightly worried about how his parents might react, "Thank you Penny." You told her as she left your room, so you sat down at your bay window and began to place a pair of shoes on your feet.

"Y/N?" Damon said through the door and you struggled to place your last shoe on. You bit your lower lip in frustration, it wouldn't go on.

"One second, my love." You shouted as you finally pushed it onto your foot. You peeped into the mirror to see that your Y/F/C dress fit perfectly as it flowed out at your waist. Your heels were an obsidian colour, making your dress stand out softly and your hair was wrapped tightly into a bun with tiny, shiny curls poking out every now and then.

"Come in." You told him and you watched the door creak open as he peered his head in. His jaw dropped slightly, flabbergasted by your effort on winning over his parents hearts too. Stefan already knew you, so that was a bonus. He walked over to you and smiled before clasping his hands gently on your waist.

"You look beautiful, Y/N." Damon said, pulling you closer to him before kissing your cheek somehow. You smiled and leaned into him, enjoying his comfort. He took out his pocket watch and read the time, it was six thirty.

"I wish we had longer," He sighed as he nuzzles his neck into at the crook of yours, "But it is time we must leave. Before you, my lady." He said politely as you walked through your bedroom door before walking down the stairs. But he took your arm gracefully before your parents waved you off as you climbed into the carriage. As you tucked the back of your dress underneath you, you smiled as Damon hauled himself in before placing a hand behind your head.

"Take us to the Salvatore house." Damon told the man at the front seat. As the carriage began to ride off, you smirked at your boyfriend. After this gathering you shall be able to do whatever you want, unless they do not like you. Lily Salvatore, his mother, was apparently hard to please.

"Don't get nervous." Damon said as if he was reading your mind, obviously you appeared as though your were petrified. He pulled you towards him and as the horses trotted on you relaxed against him.


"Lily Salvatore, it is my pleasure." His mother smiled as she welcomed you into their loving home. This was going to be a walk in the park, you thought. You curtsied as you passed his father and then Stefan caught your eye. He was lighting the fire in the sitting room and he smiled at you before continuing his work. Damon held his arm out and you took it gently, his eyes lit up with joy.

"Dinner is almost done. We have Moussaka." Her mother told you as she began to check the iron stove. You could smell the fresh meat and it almost made you weak at your knees, the Salvatores' were wealthy.

"It sounds very appetising." You replied as your boyfriend lead you into the sitting room. Stefan wiped his hands with a cloth before approaching you. You grinned, you both had grown close over the few weeks and he had become the brother you had always wanted.

"Y/N, it's nice to see you so soon." He welcomed you, placing the cloth down on the log table before you. You reached out your hand and he shook it slightly.

"Damon, you never told me that you had an amazing house." You said, staring at the room in awe. He grinned at you, passing you a parcel. You opened it, revealing a rope bracelet with a golden arrow placed on it.

"You didn't have to..." You whispered, placing it on your wrist before embracing him.

"The food is ready." Stefan told you and you made your way to the table. As you sat down in your assigned seats. His father kept giving you an uncomfortable stare, you coward slightly. But soon you felt like he was giving you daggers and you started to panic.

"Mr. Salvatore, are you okay?" You asked, turning towards him in a fashionable way. He blinked back at you before answering.

"What is your last name, young lady?" He questioned back, taking some of the mince lamb and placing it in his mouth with delight. Your family had a lot of troublesome events, you knew he was going to hate you.

"Y/L/N." You muttered and you earned a gasp from both of the parents. At once they stood up and so did Damon. He was going to try to protect you but it was no use, this had ended your relationship already.

"You must leave at once," his mother said and you stood up, "Leave!" She yelled once again and you hurried out of the house in tears. Why did you family have to make you life so difficult?

"Y/N." Damon whispered breathlessly as he caught up to you. You turn around as you waited for your carriage to arrive.

"You should be inside." You replied quietly, turning away from him. But he only walked around in front of you. He reached his hand towards your face and began wiping away your tears.

"Don't cry, we'll make it work." He told you and you shook your head, crying even more.

"They hate me just because of what my family once were." You cried, sniffling as you began to attempt to regain strength. He frowned, stepping even closer.

"I prefer you over them, Y/N. We'll get married as soon as possible, and I promise we will get out of here and grow a family of our own." Damon told you and you smiled. He was willing to change his life for you.

"Did you just propose?" You asked, placing a hand over your mouth in shock. He knelt down on one knee and smiled up at you, grasping your hand in his.

"Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my wife?" He questioned and you nodded. He fit his mouth to yours, holding your chin as you parted.

"How do you feel about being Y/N Salvatore?"

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