52: (REQUESTED) Klaus Uses Hope As Chick Bait (Part 2)

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Imagine: Klaus had used Hope to get your attention and all he wanted to do was have dinner with you. But then Hope began to cry so you both went to your place as it was the nearest and the place where nothing bad would happen.

You unlocked your apartment door, slightly embarrassed by the amount of effort you had to put in. But because you had barely unpacked, the place looked like a dump away. In that moment, you regretted asking him to go to your place instead.

"It's a nice, small, cozy apartment." Klaus complimented, stepping inside the threshold as you were a vampire and didn't have to invite him in. You hadn't compelled your neighbour yet, but you recalled that you would in the morning. Hope began to suck her thumb as the Original hugged her comfortably.

"It's not." You laughed, moving some of the boxes back and laying down a blanket for Hope. It would do for now.

"It is, honestly. It'll do for now." He smirked at you and you avoided his eyes. Klaus was attempting to flirt but it wasn't exactly the same atmosphere when there was a tiny baby in your house. He flicked off the light, causing you to jump.

"What the hell?" You asked, beginning to walk past him to turn the light back on. But he gripped onto you arm and leaned close to your ear.

"Hope only sleeps in the dark." God his voice was so romantic and husky, but you shook that thought out of your head as you stepped back. Klaus let go of your wrist, following you to the kitchen as you shut the door and turned the light on.

"So I really am baby sitting." You chuckled and so did he, leaning against the counter as you rummaged through the food that sat inside your fridge.

"Tell me things about you," He offered with a small smile as you shut the fridge and pulled out two blood bags, "I don't even know your name yet, yet strangely you know mine." You bit your lower lip and smiled, grabbing two miniature glasses from the shelf above one of the counters.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I was born and raised here, turned in to a vampire here and abandoned by everyone I cared about. There's not really much to talk about that, other than that." You murmured, opening the bags of blood and pouring them into the two glasses. Swiftly, you pushed his glass across the counter where he picked it up and took a sip out of it.

"You and me," He gestured between you both, "We're extremely alike, you know?" Klaus kept his eyes steadily on you as you sipped your drink and ran a hand through your hair. You didn't like that fact he was comparing you to the heartless monster you had been told about, but you kept a sympathetic smile on your lips.

"Very." You spoke, not meaning for it to come out as sarcastic as it did. His smirk faltered.

"How about I go and check on Hope?" Klaus offered, rapidly walking towards the kitchen door to leave. But you grabbed his hand through instinct and he turned towards you.

"I'm sorry. This place has just too many memories, and to think that I wanted to move back here? I'm such an idiot." You muttered walking towards the counter and pressing your hands against it, facing your head down at the source. Behind you, you could sense Klaus approaching before you felt a hot breath against your ear.

"You're not an idiot," He told you with a smile, "You just don't know how to get the things you want in life." You wanted to turn around but if you did you knew that your lips would be inches from his; you didn't want to be vulnerable. So you stared down at the counter and smiled.

"Great, the first day I meet somebody who's actually nice, I muck it up with my sad stories." You whispered, sighing as you stared down at the blood in your glass. Klaus stood beside you in the exact same position and turned his head towards you.

"I'm actually nice?" He questioned you and you both laughed.

"Adequate." You stated, finally gazing back at him with a weak smile. In his eyes, you couldn't see how much he loved to hear you laugh - even though you had just met. Klaus took a sip of his glass of blood and licked his lip. You downed most of yours, wiping your lips.

"You missed some," Klaus Mikaelson smiled a genuine smile when you struggled to find the lone piece of blood, "Let me get that for you." He was a true gentlemen, his finger delicately touching the corner of your lip and wiping it away before anybody would call it 'physical contact'. Then he sucked the blood off his thumb and smirked.

"Hope's crying, I better take her home." Klaus interrupted as you realised that you had been gazing into his eyes. You shook your head out of the trance and bit your lower lip as you smiled.

"Yeah, of course." You stuttered, opening the kitchen door to reveal a small baby sitting on the couch crying a river. The Original Hybrid rushed over and took her into his arms in attempt to sooth her, stroking the back of her head softly.

"How about I take you to dinner in two days time. Tour you around the city so you can familiarise yourself with it?" Your heart almost leaped out of your chest.

"Sure, I'd love that."

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