24: Damon Regrets Leaving You

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Imagine: Damon and you broke up, for weeks you avoided each other - thinking that you were never a good influence on each other. He was murderous and you were adventurous and loved to go out of your death. But every time you passed him, you still felt that spark and connection. You just wanted to kiss him every time you saw him or punch him in your face. You still loved him.

"Bonnie, no matter how many times you mention his name it's not going to bother me." You sighed as she spoke to you through her phone. She was out in Mystic Falls and she apparently kept seeing him walk by. You started to put your coat on, leaving her on speaker.

"I'm not trying to bother you, remember you were the one that said 'Tell me if Damon walks by so then I can act casual.'" She replied and you sighed, that was true. Even though you didn't speak about him, you just didn't want him knowing any of your plans or anything of any kind.

"But in the last five minutes, he couldn't have walked past twenty times. Damon just crossed the road, Damon just went into The Grill, Damon just started talking to Stefan-" But then Bonnie coughed, signalling for you to shut up. On the other end, you heard murmurs and you instantly ended the call. He might have heard you and that was revealing your game. A couple of minutes later, she called you back.

"You couldn't have had better timing!" She scolded you and you coward slightly, unlocking your front door and making your way outside before slamming the door behind you. As you walked down your front yard, she continued,

"But great news for you, he is not going to the party Caroline is holding - he has some plans." You smirked, glad that you could finally spend time with your friends. For ages, he had been circling around your best friends and taking away your social life.

"Finally, Salvatore finally left. I'll be there."


You step out of your car, wearing a full gown. The satin and silk materials are tinted magenta, complementing your hair colour. Caroline wanted to go all out on making her winter party the best, and it definately was. She looked like cinderella, dressed in a frozen blue dress as she wore silk gloves.

"Care!" You shouted, making your way over to her. She beamed at you, neither of you had seen each other in ages and you were excited to catch up on the gossip.

"Your dress is just wow." She complimented you, glancing down at your dress before meeting your eyes. You grinned, relaxing for the first time this week.

"This party is amazing." You reply, listening to the bass of the song that was playing. Caroline peers down at her phone before placing it back into her clutch. You raise an eyebrow at her curiously,

"Bonnie asked if you could meet her on the dance floor." You nod before strolling towards the middle of the room. But then you are met with somebody, somebody who you have avoided for a long time. Damon.


"Y/N." He called you, his voice louder over the music. You froze, unable to contemplate reacting. Instead, he walked up to you as if it was the most normal thing in the world and held out a hand. But you stared vacantly at it, remembering the last time yours fitted perfectly in his. You swallowed, finally meeting his gaze.

"D-Damon, I thought you were busy." You improvised, you could barely speak. You let you hand fall into his and suddenly your were warped into feelings you denied for what felt like a lifetime. He smirked the regular smirk, the one he always gave you.

"I am busy, trying to win my girl back." He flat out said it and you could feel the spark, stronger and more powerful than before. He lead you out into the centre of the floor, holding a hand on your waist and another on your shoulder. You swallowed, trying to continue the game that you were playing with him.

"What if I don't want you back?" You asked and he connected his baby blue eyes with yours, showing confidence and ferocity.

"Bonnie told me everything. We're miserable without each other Y/N, can't you see that?" He questioned, wiping a strand of hair away from your super soft skin. You had never been so careful and self-conscious in your life.

"Damon, I-" But he spun you away from him until you were at arms reach and then twirled you back to him. Your back was against his chest and you could feel the gentle beat of it, beating to yours. You tilted your head back slightly, feeling more relaxed - the charade was over, he had won. He turned you so you were facing each other.

"We're bad for each other, I'm too murderous and I do things I'm not supposed to. You go beyond the boundaries set because you want to even if it's dangerous. But we always end up back to each other." He leaned closer so your faces were inches apart and you let yourself smile, gazing up towards his eyes.

"I never stopped loving you." You fit your mouth to his, kissing him passionately. Ever since you both ended it, you needed his comfort and support. You needed this, the way he makes you feel on edge and the adrenaline you shared with him.

"I never stopped loving you either."

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