40: You Die In Damon's Arms

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Imagine: You were a vampire, living an eternal life with Damon. But yesterday you were bitten by a werewolf and it's poison was running through your veins. You dared not to tell anybody, you didn't want them to make a fuss over it. Plus, you think it was Tyler Lockwood.

"Damon can you help me put these books on the shelf. I can't reach it." You told him, but it was a lie. Your arm was burning, the venom was running through your veins and there was no cure to it. It was killing you.

"Sure, Y/N." He didn't suspect anything as you loaded the bookshelf with a bunch of books. You smiled at him after, realising that you hadn't really looked at him in a while. He was perfect and you really didn't want to leave him. Tears formed in your eyes as you looked up at him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, and you nodded as you shook out of the weird deathly trance you were in. Damon grabbed your arm and you winced, knowing he touched the bite.

"I'd prefer if you took my-" But then you wobbled, feeling faint as dizzy. Your words couldn't form and you were feeling exhausted and heavy. You fell and he caught you, lifting you back onto your two feet.

"Explain now, this is getting all too weird for my mysterious persona." He demanded and you could barely keep your eyes open. But you held onto him for support, you didn't want to be dead.

"Lockwood... Bit me... Arm." You could only speak short words without getting out of breath. He picked you up bridal style and cradled you as he walked towards the stairs. His muscles were tense and his grip was protective.

"Stefan!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, he was going to ask everyone to find a cure. But before you knew it, you fainted.


You opened your eyes ever so slightly and your breath hitched. In front of you, Stefan sat on a chair just watching you. As you swallowed, you began to feel hot and flushed.

"S-Stef..." You tried to speak but it only came out as a cry. He sat on the edge of the bed, pressing a cold flannel to your forehead and patting it to cool you down. But your skin felt like molten lava.

"Don't try to speak, we'll find something. We'll make you better." He told you in a hushed voice and you sighed, your eyes going misty with tears. There is no cure for a werewolf bite, they're wasting their time. You knew you only had a couple hours left on this earth, you needed your goodbyes.

"I want to say goodbye." You muttered after a couple of minutes of bracing yourself. Stefan shook his head, still sat over you like a hawk.

"You're not leaving us just yet, Y/N." He whispered soothingly, but you closed your eyes ever so slightly.

"They won't find a cure... in two hours." You murmured, know than you were bitten three days at roughly this time. A tear dropped across your face,

"Send them back." You croaked, and so he did. He called everyone to inform that I wanted to say goodbye. But Damon insisted to keep looking. So you reached for the phone and Stefan gave it to you freely.

"D-Damon, please... come home for me... I'm dying." You whispered and you heard him gulp on the other end of the phone. He was crying, nobody sees him cry.

"Baby come home." You murmured but suddenly everything turned into dust again.


Some time later, you arose from your slumber. Before you had seen people who were dead, your enemies and your friends - hallucinations. But this time you had woken for the last time, you were nearly gone. In front of you were your three best friends.

"B-Bon, Care, Elena. Take care... of yourself." You whispered in a hush voice and you could see tears appear in all of their eyes. Elena was the first to embrace you, not wanting to let go. Caroline soon joined in and then did Bonnie, suddenly it was a group hug. They then left, and Stefan walked in with the boys.

"Don't be scared Y/N, it'll be okay." Matt said, and they began recalling memories. Some you would usually laugh at but you smiled as the tears spilled out of your eyes.

"See you one day." Stefan told you and you nodded as you swallowed. But then Damon entered, looking almost as exhausted as you were and his face was red. His eye caught yours and he lifted you into his arms and cradled you. He sat onto the chair beside his bed, and you realised you were in his bedroom.

"Damon," You muttered as you felt more in pain. You were crying now and so was he, but he tried to fight away the tears. He patted your head with the damp flannel.

"Yes Y/N." He answered finally, and you began to feel weaker. You sunk into his arms even more as you began to slowly drift away from the real world.

"Don't stop holding me."

"I won't Y/N."

"And never let go." You whispered, seeing a light appear in front of you. It was a like a doorway to another dimension. You lifted your hand to Damons cheek and stared at the light in front of you.

"I love you, Y/N." He told you, crying his eyes out and you stroked his cheek.

"I love you too, Damon." The light was getting brighter and you felt like a bird, light and feathery.

"I'm ready to go home." You whispered, feeling full of white light as everything turned bright. You were going to become his guardian angel, and you will forever love him.

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