38: Lucien Meets You

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Imagine: You are a Mikaelson and you had always been with Freya. Dahlia was dead with Esther and you were all waiting for the next issue. Being with your family always caused major drama. Now a new madman was in town and you all wanted to find him. Klaus assumed that he had known him in the past, but he would not slip a name.

"Cami just told me that the police are trying to investigate further, but we know it is the supernatural. Marcel has told us that none of his vampire's hunt in the quarter, they walk along the outskirts. I have a feeling who this may be." Klaus told everyone as a smirk appeared on his face. Freya stood up, looking down at you with a confident look on her face. But she also looked annoyed.

"You've had that feeling for almost a week now, Klaus. Who do you think it is?" Freya asked, staring at him with a stern look in her eye, "I would hate to dig the truth out of you myself."

"Calm down big sister," Niklaus chuckled with amusement, "Back in the first year me and my siblings were turned, we met an excruciating servant who was on his way to a castle." Elijah and Rebekah's eyes caught their half-brothers.

"Lucien Castle." Rebekah stated adamantly, remembering when Lucien was almost executed for having an affair with Aurora De Martel - one of the count's children. Aurora's brother saw them together, Lucien was was angry at Klaus for stealing his girl but the brother misunderstood. So he punished Lucien in ways that nobody could describe. He cut his mouth.

"So where should we look?" You questioned them and suddenly their attention was drawn to you. Usually they would forget you existed, or it felt like it.

"It's not where we should look, Y/N. It's where he should look for his next victim." Suddenly your stomach dropped, you knew what he was implying. Lucien was somebody who hunted the misunderstood - just like himself. He would find you.


At least it was worth it. Freya casted a spell so you would feel drunk, or lightly buzzed. You still had control over your body and your magic. Lucien did not know the rules of this city so one small mishap could change everything for him. He knew this was a vampire city and he had came here because of Klaus. She was the unknown Mikaelson, he would not know he was in debt with them.

You stumbled out of the nightclub, knowing your plan. This was the area where his victims were killed, innocent people. Lucien Castle seemed to be more evil than your brother. A gush of wind flew in front of your face and then disappeared. Your senses could feel a vampire's presence, definitely an ancient one. Freya had used a source of power to draw him here, a spell that would make here more appealing to him tonight. You stepped forward, acting innocent.

"Hello?" You shouted, realising the feeling of the hunted. The humans. You were human but you had distinctively more power than they did. You were supernatural in its form. Suddenly you felt something touch your hair, somebodies hand. You spun around but they were not there. In an instant you turned back round to be face with a man. He has a nice face, you almost laughed at your thought.

"Too pretty," He muttered, looking you up and down before placing a hand on your face. He was straight forward with his thoughts, great. "You will forget about me and you won't even recognise my face as hard as you try." But little did he know that you were a witch. So you grabbed his arm,

"I'll never forget you, Lucien Castle." You told him before cloaking yourself and walking away.

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