39: Kai Kisses You

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Imagine: You're a vampire, an evil villain like Kai Parker. He is now adjusting to being a heretic, ever since he came back from the prison world he has been a different man. He has more plans. Damon attempted to kill him, but it only ended with Kai cloaking himself and finding you. Then you both escaped.

You burst open the front door with your foot, smelling fresh blood. Just as your eyes connected with the woman who slouched on the sofa, you smirked. Kai was feeding off her, his fangs deep within the arteries of her neck. Without warning, you slammed the door shut and jumped over the couch, landing beside the girl.

"Having dinner without me?" You asked, a grin plastered on your face as he extracted his teeth from her neck. Blood was dripping from his mouth, he licked his lips and wiped it off rapidly. He was still hungry.

"Just a little snack." He replied, copying your smirk as his eyes began to drift back to the victim. You exposed the other side of her neck, pushing her brunette hair behind her ears as your eyes connected with Kai's. His eyes glistened slightly.

"Mind if I join?" You raised an eyebrow as his fingers traced the puncture wounds he had created before your arrival. You could hear the females heart rate slowing and you knew that she was dying. She began gulping for hair, but you compelled her.

"Don't move or scream," You looked back up at Kai, who was grinning from ear to ear, "You know I hate it when my food doesn't co-operate." He chuckled before replacing his fangs back into the girls neck. You mimicked his actions, feeling the metallic blood trickling into your system like a waterfall. Soon she was drained dry and you sat up, baring your fangs in triumph as the blood ran down your mouth.

"What's for dessert?" You asked, only to find that he was staring at you. It was a friendly stare, it was almost as if he wanted you. He beckoned you closer, and you leaned in. Was he going to do what you think he was going to do?

"Let me get that for you." Kai whispered, moving his hand across your cheek - which was not needed - before swiping his thumb over you bottom lip. The blood stained his thumb, but he kept his hand on your cheek. A couple of seconds later, he tasted the blood off of his thumb.

"Dessert?" He returned to the subject to break the tension, "How about you choose?" Your cheeks turned red as you contemplated. Thoughts filled your mind, ones that shouldn't have. Ones filled with love.

"Oh, Kai. You know I love surprises." You muttered, leaning in slightly. You knew you sounded seductive, but you didn't care. Kai's smirk didn't even falter for a minute, that was a good sign. He pushed the females head to the side, making sure he could see you without sitting straight.

"How about you surprise me?" Kai's eyes met yours and you knew there was no turning back, no return from the path you wanted to follow. One way ticket. So you leant forward, leaning over the girls dead boy. Then it dawned on you, Kai has never been in love - there for he has not had his first kiss.

"Are you sure you'd like me to surprise you?" You questioned him wearily, but his hand landed on your cheek. Smooth. You moved the body onto the floor before scooting closer. Suddenly you kissed him and the world felt hotter. It was as if the core was melting below you, and you didn't want it to end. His hands were cupping your face and yours were either running through his hair or around his neck. You were so caught up in the moment.

You broke the kiss, leaving the smallest gap in between you and the Parker. His eyes were shiny brighter than a thousand stars, and you felt yourself falling for him. It was as if the falling wouldn't stop.

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