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OC belongs to @Fallen_Ash

Name: Koi

Very original,never heard that before,plus it's not canon!

Age: 7

So,an adult

Gender: Female

Ok,another female,that's ok,I guess

Sexuality: Straight

Again,straight,but it's ok I guess

Tribe: SeaWing

Seawings are commonly overused,but I guess if you have other factors it could work

Queen They Support: Queen Current (SeaWing queen, different time zone than books)

I LOVE it when the timeline is different then the books,it gives a lot for creatively  and freedom

Looks: Sea foam green scales and pale green scales on her belly and under her tail. Her claws were originally an ugly green, which made her very self conscious, so she dipped them in molten sand to give them a pearl color. Her eyes are blue, almost white. On her left talon has three scorch marks on them.

I kinda want to know what happened and how she got the three scorch marks,but otherwise I like her description

Attires: She doesn't wear much except for a piece of seaweed on each of her horns that spiral up, giving it a dark green light green striped affect

I like the detail about the light it gives out,it's make it very,unique,make her stand out in a crowd

Personality: She strong and independent for the most part, yet she has a huge fear of jellyfish. She deeply cares for her brother Algae, and hopes to one day have dragonets of her own

This one might need a bit of work,maybe 1 or 2 more flaws,and maybe one more good trait

Backstory: After playing a long game of hide and seek, her and her brother, Algae, were brought back to the Summer Palace where they grew up. Queen Current, the SeaWing queen, asked Koi and Algae for help in her newest story, which is when the SkyWings landed an attack. Kid napping Koi's mother, Minnow, and badly hurting the Queen's daughter Ray, the SkyWings return to Queen Wildfire. Queen Current demands a rescue/revenge mission, sending off Ripple and 12 other dragons, with 6 going under as spies. Koi and Algae decide to follow, and soon are attacked by and IceWing named Blizzard. Algae pins her, and Blizzard quickly explains that she was a mercenary sent by a SkyWing named Crimson, the SkyWing queens brother. She says that she didn't mean to alarm them, but knows where their mother was, offering to help them due to her disgust at what Crimson threatened to do Minnow. The trio catches up with the rest of the patrol and ends up fighting along side them at the palace, along with the spies, and retrieve Minnow. Queen Wildfire kills 4 of the SeaWing soldiers, including Koi and Algae's father, Ripple. They return to the SeaWing kingdom, where Queen Current reluctantly gives Blizzard a place to stay and officially make Koi and Algae soldiers. Algae seems to be content along with Blizzard, but Koi still has terrible nightmares of her father being killed by Wildfire.

Very interesting back story,but I don't get why/how Blizzard stayed in the Sea kingdom(just to say,Blizzard is a commonly overused name). Anyway,the back story is interesting but easy to follow

Occupation: Soldier

I don't have much to say about that,sooo

Residence: Summer Palace

Makes sense

Relatives: Minnow (Mother, SeaWing) Ripple (Father, SeaWing) Algae (Brother, SeaWing)

Good names,but I'm pretty sure Ripple is one of the canon sons of Fathom and Indigo,IDk about that I will have to check

Friends: Blizzard (Bestfriend, IceWing)

Again,just to say,Blizzard is a commonly overused Icewing name

Abilities: Can breathe underwater and see in the dark

Normal Seawing stuff basically

Powers: None

Hobbies: Battle training, teaching young dragonets basic fighting moves

I like the teaching young dragonets one,it goes well with the battle training

Other: None

Quote: None

Overall,I give Koi a 8/10. Her personality could use a bit of work,and her tribe is commonly overused. However,I do like her backstory and name. She's a well balanced character expect for her personality

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