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OC belongs to @23belln

Name: Storm

A bit unoriginal, but it works.

Age: Probably about 6 or 7.


Gender: Male


Sexuality: Currently straight


Tribe: Sky

Flame bois

Looks: A brightish red with pale yellow/orange scales. His horns look more brownish-black than charcoal black. He doesn't usually wear any accessories, though he occasionally caries a deer skin pouch to hold his scroll.

Try adding small details like eye colour, built, height, etc

Personality: he can be a bit thorny at times but he doesn't see himself that way. He thinks the other dragonets are his friends, although Catfish(a seaWing) is the only one who thinks of him as a friend. He tends to like to be alone, but he doesn't mind spending time with someone else. He also REALLY hates SandWings.

A bit bland, but works. Try adding more positive and negative traits.

Backstory: He hatched on the brightest night alongside six other dragonets, one of each species. He grew up with them, but he never really became friends with any of them. He found a secret cavern in the cave system where he was raised. In the cavern there were tunnels that led all around the mountain that he lived under. He found a scroll in that cavern, a scroll that could tell where an animus enchanted object was. In fact, it was an animus object itself. Then he finally became close friends with CatFish, the seawing DoD. They overheard a conversation between Blister and MorrowSeer. (And there isn't any more yet. Don't forget that this character is from an ongoing RP)

Alright, I'm not gonna comment on this then.

Occupation: he's too busy stopping the War of the SandWing succession to get a job.


Residence: Under a mountain


Relatives: his egg was stolen so he doesn't know who he is related too, though he has a slight crush on CatFish.


Friends: CatFish


Crush: CatFish


Abilities: Oof NONE.


Hobbies: Reading, Exploring the hidden cavern/tunnels, Reading, Talking to CatFish, Reading, listening to stories from Webs, did I mention Reading?


Other: he found an animus enchanted scroll that lets him see when a new animus object is created and where animus objects are.


Overall I give Storm a 6.5/10. Work on his appearance and personality, and backstory.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now