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OC belongs to FaithTTan

Name: Alpine

I like this! Unique.

Age: 5


Gender: Female


Sexuality: Bisexual


Tribe: Icewing

Snowy bois.

Rank: 7th circle


Residence: Lives around the borders of the Ice Kingdom and Kingdom of Sand

Cool, okay.

Occupation: None, but dreams of being the Kingdom's writer. (Scrolls of all kind!)


Looks: Alpine has a pale blue colour, with hints of pale, but still darker than her base colour, purple-ish blue scales along her spine and down to her tail (reasons in backstory). Her wings fade from a lighter blue, to a deeper, more dark colour. The spikes along her back are a blue-purple colour (her horns too). She has a very lean body, her tail ending whip-thin, giving her the advantage of speed.
She wears a hoop earring with feathers of a gyrfalcon and a single amethyst looping through it. A silver armband coils along her right arm with amethysts embedded into it. Other than that, all she wears is a necklace to signify her rank.

It's simple but descriptive. Very good!

Personality: She is the kind of dragon which will quietly obey any order, but if it goes against her beliefs, she will stand against you (and is quite stubborn about it). She is quite indecisive and will often times leave the decisions to other dragonets. If you happen to anger her to a point where she thinks it's too much, she will avoid you as she holds a grudge, but forgives quickly if you apologise (although not so much in some cases). She can act annoyed, but not to a point that it rude (again, not for all cases), she just likes to let you know when she's had enough. Around dragons that she doesn't know, she can seem very quiet, nodding and overall acting too polite, but when you get to know her, you'll see that she's a very bright dragonet and can be a great asset, as she is very observant.

I like it, but maybe add one or two flaws to balance it out a bit? Other then that is great!

Family: (They don't live anywhere near the palace)

Mother: Skua— 6th circle
Father: Puffin— 6th circle
Female: Periwinkle (Peri for short)— 7th circle
Male: Boreal— 7th circle
Crush: Not Interested... yet
Friends: Not yet

I like these names, especially Periwinkle.

Abilities: Frostbreath, Serrated Claws, Withstanding subzero temperatures, Normal Icewing stuff.


Hobbies: She loves reading scrolls of all kinds, as she writes scrolls for her kingdom (see "Occupation"), but also enjoys the peacefulness of painting and sculpting.


Backstory: Alpine's parents were previously on a higher rank when they had Periwinkle and Boreal, the 3rd circle to be exact. They lived in the palace on one of the lower floors, but when they were discovered planning an escape to explore the tribes, as they were tired of the white plains and strict rules of the Ice Kingdom, they were degraded to the seventh circle with their children. Boreal and Periwinkle were sent down to the 7th circle as the Queen thought that their parents contaminated their minds with their actions, but needless to say, this family wasn't like any other Icewing family.
The Queen thought that she could punish the family even more by sending them to live on the outskirts of the Ice Kingdom, close to the blistering her of the desert, close enough to feel the change in temperature, but far enough that there was still snow. That's when they had Alpine.
Icewing parents always had to burry their eggs in snow, but since the snow in that area was half melted, they were forced to dig deeper into the cold depths of ice before Alpine hatched. Her egg hatched deep underground, in complete darkness, giving her darker scales here and there, where it should have been paler.
Although she did get made fun of by other dragonets, and sometimes older dragons, Alpine had learnt to ignore it. She found that it was useful to vent out her emotions through expressions.
Her parents found that Alpine had an early interest in literature and soon found out about the multitude of short stories she had written. They had considered enrolling her to become the Kingdom's writer when she was 4, but the Queen quickly rejected the idea, saying that Alpine was far too young, but in actuality hated her and her family for what their parents did.
Alpine was then sent to attend in JMA when she was 5, JMA's second year, where she was set in the Jade Winglet, as they were lacking an Icewing (cause Winter left, remember?). Although Alpine was self-conscious about being made fun of again, she quickly discovered it wasn't so bad. We'll see where that goes...

I feel like you should add a bit more details on her growing up, as being hatched in a warmer environment affected her, what about growing up in one? For an ice dragon to live in a warmer climate I feel that would impact their growth a little bit.

Other then that, this is good!

-Alpine is often picked on for the colour of her scales by higher ranks (Also 6th and 5th ranks), and is known as "Strange Scales", but after several raged out-bursts, she has learnt to ignore it.
-Jade Winglet at JMA as Winter's replacement.


Overall, I give Alpine a 8/10. Add a few details on her backstory and personality and you'll be perfect.

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