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OC belongs to @624680S

(Oc lives in a time many, many years after the events in the series)


Name: Lark

I like is name. I've seen once, maybe. It's still very original!

    Age: 20


    Gender: Female


    Sexuality: Lesbian


    Tribe(s): Skywing

You don't see Skywings a lot

    Queen they support: Doesn't support any of them.


    Looks: Has a lithe build and isn't particularly fat or skinny. She is also slightly taller than most other Skywings. Has dark-red scales, which get slightly lighter as they reach the talons, with orange underwings. Has eyes the color of a dying star.

'A dying star' is a bit werid, what does a dying star even look like? Maybe put like, 'Has dull yellow eyes'.

    Attires: Wears a hoop earring with a large eagle feather attached. Also has a nose ring made of iron.

Nice. Skywings seem like the kind of dragons to have nose rings and such

    Personality: Is very much like a free spirit; easy going, kind of bubbly, and overall a welcoming kind of dragon. Can be serious at times, and her tone can seem stern, but otherwise is a very friendly dragon.

I like it! It's original, and it's nice and simple.

    Backstory: Lark was a part of her queen's royal guard, and was a very respected member at that. On the outside, she was just like every other Skywing; grumpy, serious, and stern. But she had a secret; she preferred females over males. She never told anyone, for it would ruin her reputation with her tribe. One day she met a Sandwing named Verbena (second part to a type of dessert flower called the Sand Verbena) and fell head over heels for her. For the longest time she didn't tell Verbena how she felt, but she didn't have to. One night, when out for a nighttime flight after a blazing hot day, Verbena confessed that she had a crush on Lark.
Lark told her the same, but felt disgusted with herself. It took a while, but eventually Verbena, with her friendly comforting and wise advice, managed to make Lark see that liking female dragons didn't make her a bad dragon. The two eventually got into an actual relationship, and after a few months Lark left the Sky Kingdom to live with Verbena, who lives in Possibility (I like to think that even after the characters in the series are long gone, Possibility will still be there. It's a pretty cool place). She now lives quite happily with Verbena in Possibility, helping Verbena with her job as a healing herb seller.

Aww I'm a sucker for gay ships.
Also, I LOVE this backstory.
Skywings, I think, wouldn't be that accepting of the LBTG+ community. Only problem is I don't get why Verbena (also a very creative name) was in the sky kingdom. Was she looking for new herbs? Just a visit? Work out that kink and this backstory should be good!

    Occupation: Royal Skywing Guard (former), Healing Herb Seller (with Verbena).


    Residence: Possibility

Makes sense

    Relatives (though they aren't mentioned in the backstory): Garnet (mother), Alp (father)

Again, good names!

    Friends (again, not mentioned in the backstory, since it's kind of present info): Flora (A Rainwing healer-in-training and a frequent buyer of Verbena and Lark's healing herbs) Morgan (An old male Mudwing healer, and an old and good friend of Verbena's)

Thanks for explaining the friends!
Again, amazing names.

    Crush: Verbena (is now in a relationship with her)

Nice. I'm a sucker for gay ships

    Mate: none (Lark and Verbena are taking their time)


    Dragonets: none (they are thinking of adopting in the future, though)

That's cute and I support that

    Abilities: None

Can she breath fire and stuff?

    Hobbies: Flying over Possibility, hanging out with Verbena


    Other: -Verbena actually doesn't like her name all that much, and wishes she had been named Diamond, so Lark's nickname for her is "my shining diamond".
    -Lark bought the eagle feather earring and the iron nose ring because she wants to show that's she's changed from who she was before.

Verbena and Diamond (Diamonds canon thought, so I like that it's a nickname) are both pretty names.
I like the detail on why she bought the nose ring and earring. It adds to her character.

    Quote: "Don't be someone people want you to be. Be someone you want to be."

Nice quote, fits with the backstory.

    Hope you like Lark! ^.^

Okay :3

I LOVE This character 9.8/10.
The only complaint I have to Verbena randomly showing up (I totally ship them thought). Fix that up (witch will really only take a few minutes) and this character should be good!

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now