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OC belongs to @Degal_Heartfang

Name: Aureus

Name Reasoning: 'Aureus' means golden

I like it! Unique.

Gender: Male


Age: 15


Tribe: SandWing


Sexuality: Heterosexual, Panromantic


Occupation: Leader of his father's gang (gangster)

Sounds interesting.

Residence: In the large SandWing village, Gila Town, near the IceWing tundra and the Kingdom of Sand.


Looks: Aureus is a short, sharp, and slightly lean SandWing with a pale mustard yellow color. Has a white underbelly, wings, and a white barb. He has a few brown flecks on his shoulders, kind of like freckles, and on his forearms, snout, and along his wings. Has very dark hazel eyes with a black tattoo that swirls down along his cheeks and neck. His father's gang symbol is on his left wing (a camel spider) what he has tried to get off of him for a while now (carefully trying to rip just the tattoo). Has a small gold band on his forearm he rarely wears, given to him by Hare. Most say he doesn't look like he can fit in with his gang, mostly cause he has a baby face.

This is really good! It's descriptive, and unique without being overpowering.

Personality: To show he can fit in with his gang, he was very careful yet aggressive, not to mention bossy. He was very determined and loud, mostly to get his point across and to show he was like his father. To Hare, he wasn't as aggressive, but was very irritated easily by her mindset on her only being a low life, only to be molded into serving him. He is known to be the apple of his mother's eye, cause of his mature nature and mindset. He is very much against underage drinking, underage intimacy, and heavily against racism. Loves music with nearly all of his heart, when he was younger though.

Good, but add some more flaws.

Abilites: Fire breath, heated scales, barb tail, can camouflage into the desert sand okay-ish. Normal SandWing things.


Strengths: Fighting, acting tough, talking in front of others, leadership skills (still working on it though)

Weakness: Not the most calmest of dragons, very competitive, says way to many bad words, even for a gangster.

Likes: Sun bathing, music, Hare, he has daviled in drawing before, even though he's not very good at it.

Dislikes: His singing voice, to much cold, his dad, getting accused of things he didn't do.

'His dad' lol same. Anyway, it's balanced out.


Mother: Eve (a plant found in the desert) - a sandy yellow SandWing that is covered head to toe in jewelry, with very dark brown eyes. Had very long horn, almost like devil horns. Dead. He appreciates her for teaching him how to read and write.

Father: Camel Spider (Spider) - a pale brownish-yellow SandWing with a mangled back right leg, wears a pair of camel spider earings, and a spider necklace. Has dark forest green eyes. Dead. Didn't really care for him.

Brother: Roadrunner - a dusty brown, tall, chubby SandWing with a pale yellow underbelly. Had dark brown eyes. Dead. Found him annoying.

Enemies: Smoke - A very much burnt SkyWing with very dark gray scales. Has a burnt yellow colored underbelly and wings. Has light grey eyes. Alive. Vengeful for him killing Hare.

Crush: Hare - An graceful albino SandWing with some say, scales paler then an IceWing's. Had pure white scales that blinded most people when seen in sunlight. Had blood red eyes. Dead.

Mate: None

Dragonets: None

I like these names, and again, their appearances are simple yet unique.

Backstory: Aureus was born a year after his brother, who was already being shaped into being the new leader of their gang, 'The Coyotes' a vicious gang of dragons that were one of the most violent gangs in the SandWing Kingdom.

At the time, he was watched over by a lot of the gang members, as his parents were both very busy with making agreements and dealing with other gangs. When he was one month old, his brother took him outside and to the Gila Plaza, where a large talent show was being played at. A musician stepped up, and began to play a very lovely song, making him fall in love nearly in a heartbeat.

Roadrunner realize his mistake shortly after, cause after that, Aureus began to sneak out to head to the Plaza; trying to listen to the few musicians that normal was around.

When a plague of a strange disease swept over the SandWings, resulting his brother and mother getting sick (though they didn't die from it. Almost seventy percent of the gang had died however), making The Coyotes desperate for new members (the possibility of a large gang war right on the brink).

To protect him, his father bought a slave for him, who went by the name of Hare. Hare was four, yet she had intelligence coursing through her. She was slightly above average in fighting, but once becoming his 'bodyguard', he realized she was only this way because her father was an assassin who taught her how to fight.

Aureus and her grow closer over time, but only when they were alone, as Spider would have a fit if he learned that his son was treating Hare like a normal dragon. "She is only your bodyguard, a servant that dies to protect you from danger, they're expendable." he told him one day.

Aureus later was taught how to fight thanks to Hare during their night time work outs they did frequently to get ready for the gang war. His brother learned about this, and told their parents, making both Eve and Spider furious. Realizing his son was growing to close to his bodyguard, when the time came for the gang war, he put her in the front of the lines.

Aureus was outraged by his father's choice, and demanded that he change that, to make her follow him as he and his family made an escape. Spider refused, and gave him two choices, go with them to safety, or to stay behind and get caught in the war. Aureus chose to stay, and not run off and hide like his parents, and rather 'face death then run like cowards'.

When the gang war was about to happen, Hare found him, trying to talk him into run away with his parents. Aureus told her he wasn't leaving, and would see this until the end, accidentally confessing to her too. Before Hare could respond to his accidental confession, the war started very suddenly.

Aureus lost her in the crowd of angry wing flaps, war cries, and smoke from their fires. He hurried to help, taking out a few SandWings along the way, before finally finding her.

When he found her, she was very bloody, scratches all over her, and a crushed barb, making her have a hard time fighting. Aureus begged her to follow him, but Hare told him just what he told his parents: saying she would 'face death then run like a coward'.

Aureus then insisted they fight together then, which the two did skillfully. However, Hare noticed a SkyWing and another SandWing trying to get away, which she tried to stop. However, the SkyWing killed her as she attempted to.

Aureus tried to save her, she was already gone. He swore he would find that SkyWing, and tried to fight till the last of the war. The Coyotes won against the The King's Servants (the other gang who were very religious to the first SandWing king, Ra).

He gained word that shortly after he left his parents, a small group of dragons came and met them on the other side of their escape route, and had finished them. Aureus became the gang leader, and still is.

He wishes Hare was still with him, so they could rule together sometimes.

This is really good! It's a simplified version of a story. However, if you weren't planning on writing anything, I would say add more details about his childhood and life with Hare.

Other: Aureus and Hare have their own book now. It's called 'Coyotes' if you're interested.

I'll make sure etc check it out.

Overall, I give Aureus a 9/10. Work a bit here and there on details and you'll be awesome.

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now