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OC belongs to @Botanicpurgery (Sorry if I spelt that wrong)

NAME: Cottonmouth

Hmm, Sandwings usually don't have Two-part names. But I guess it could work in the right context. Ether way, I like this name! I've never seen it before!

AGE: 30 years old

We have another adult!

GENDER: cis male

Okay :3


Lots LBTG+ dragons lately, not that that's a bad thing.

TRIBE: Sandwing

Sandwings are underused. Yay!


Ohhhh! This sounds interesting! Most Sandwings supported Blaze, and I didn't see Burn as the sister who was 'loved by many'. Wonder why he supports her?

LOOKS: buckskin colored scales with very, very dark brown cottonmouth patterns along his scales. His underscales are dusty brown with freckles covering them. His wings are large and study. He is actually pretty small, but has a very muscular build. He has a scar like a splatter on the side of his neck that has a dark brushing. It is shaped like a splatter. His eyes are still very dark, but lean towards grey than black

I like this! You added colours and body shape. Great job!



PERSONALITY: Great analyst and abstract thinker, imaginative, original, open-minded, enthusiastic, straightforward, private, withdrawn, insensitive, absent-minded, condescending, loathe rules and guidelines. He is so focused on things sometimes he often forgets to take care of himself

This is good. He has a good mix of flaws and good traits, MAYBE add one more flaw, other then that great!

BACKSTORY: As a young dragonet Cottonmouth's mom would tell stories to him and his older sister about a draconic race that used to live alongside dragons: wyverns.
These dragons had only back legs and a barbed tail. They were much smaller than dragons, but worked much better together, dangerous as packs. They eventually disappeared overtime mysteriously, though it was legened a select few wyverns survived and continued on with their lives to that very day, though they lived in the era of the Scorching so no one truely knows what happened then.
Cottonmouth believed this legend near and dear, believing every inch of the story. Though, there was no concrete evidence, there was also no evidence pointing to their nonexistance.
Once, in the middle of the night Cottonmouth heard something outside. He snuck out of his adobe home and into the night, where he found the cloaked figure of what appeared to him as a wyvern.
He rushed up to his, excited in his teeny dragonet form for it to come and meet his mother and sister. But, as soon as he tugged on the thick cloak, he was knocked aside and within minutes struck by a sharp barb. It had appeared Sandwing like, but no quite.
The pain from his venom was so much, it caused him to go temporarily blind and scream. His mother came rushing to his side.
He explained it had been a wyvern, but of course his mother didn't believe him. She told him they were just fairy tales and he was in shock.
For the next week, he battled with the pain from the sting, the awful bruise had spread as if someone had splashed him with some brown acid. It eventually went away with the help of some Brightsting cacti and helpful concoctions from ma. He was left with a nasty scar forever.
He eventually met a Sky-Seawing who's horns twirled together, locked tight. The hybird's name was Auk. He was very small, despite being a year older than Cottonmouth.
One night while sitting around the fire, a Sandwing by the name of Fennec came by to explain that Cottonmouth's sister fell deathly ill after her newborn daughter hatched. His mother was requesting money to help buy herbs to regain her back to her original health.
Problem? Cottonmouth hasn't got a coin for a hundred miles. For the next week, Cottonmouth attempts to gain money in anyway-but nothing is working fast enough.
While searching for a job at one point, he bumped into one of Burn's soliders, who reported him and Auk to the Queen.
The Queen says she had been following Auk for quiet some time, but never shares why she explains if Cottonmouth gives him up she'll give him all the money he needs and to spare his life.
He is hurt deeply that he is giving up his friend, but he needed to save his sister. He gives up Auk and leaves with much more than the needed amount of money.
He sends it with Fennec, saying he wishes his mother and daughter all he could. He had wasted too much time searching for a job. The wyvern could be anywhere.
On his way out of town, he is stopped by one of Burn's guards again, explaining she was willing to pay him lavishly if he was to return to her within the next two months with a new 'oddity'. Cottonmouth, still worried about his sister took up the chance--he wanted to help fund for his niece too.
So, he searched for strange dragons everywhere, also in the hunt for a wyvern. He found many dragons and brought them to Burn's stronghold. He never knew what happened to them after they walked into her walls-but Cottonmouth didn't want to know.
He brought in many creatures, a white nightwing, a Seawing without their glow strips, and many more. But he could never find a wyvern.
There was one more kingdom for him to search, he had followed a path of tales. Learning from wherever he could about the legend wyverns. All clues pointed to the last one living in the Rainforest Kingdom.
So, he set off. With the money he had earned from Burn he was now able to afford a decent satchel which he carried a wicked dagger and some rope along with a concoction of certain herbs that made a dragon woozy and confused within minutes after a sniff.
He ventured into the Rainforest Kingdom, talking to Queens and civilians when he came across the first lead in months, talk about one of their very own dragonets.
He set out into the poison training area, pleased to find the mentor of the dragonets wasn't suspicious about any inquiries he had about her 'worst student' she apparently could only foam poison, her front legs were missing completely and she had a barbed tail.
He was very pleased when he met the dragonet minutes later. She didn't look very much like a rainwing. She didn't look very elegant and the only thing that tied them together was her long fangs and horns. Otherwise, she was a completely new species.
He instantly came to the conclusion she was some kind of wyvern hybrid, so in the middle of the night he gave her a dosage of the sleeping concoction and was out of the Rain Kingdom before anyone knew what was even happening.
He decided he would be taking her instantly to meet his mother and sister, prove to them first wyverns existed.
But, as soon as he arrived home he was instead met by Sandwing guards who explained his sister had made a royal offence by having a dragonet with a rainwing who she had slipped into the Rainwing Kingdom before she could be found. The illness she had had was poison, she was dead now.
It hit Cottonmouth like a brick, the small 'wyvern' he had captured from the Rainwings was none other than his own niece herself. A rain-sandwing mix. That explained everything, her barbed tail (which he had found out had no poison at all) and her foamy spit that was weak and couldn't be splattered like a true rainwing. The more he looked at her the more he realized the Sandwing traits, her solid green eyes, her small ridge down her spine.
He cursed, he had captured his own niece and dragged her right into the claws of Burn.
The dragonet was instantly taken by the guards, but not without a fight from Cottonmouth. He was left with many scrapes and bruises when he left.
He rushed inside to find his poor mother weak and old on the floor, she explained the money he had been sending was only used on food, no herb could have fixed her daughter. Cottonmouth weeped with his mother for a day before deciding he was going to get his niece back.
He left in the middle of the night, soaring to the Stronghold. He had no idea how he was going to get in, much less free Spinach (his niece's name).
When he got to the stronghold, he noticed how many guards were afoot. He flapped through a window, breaking the thin glass that held it there. He was as stealthy as he could as he tried to find Spinach, while searching he came across a horrifying sight: Auk. But Auk wasn't alive, he was stuffed and put in a tough pose atop a monument.
He couldn't have stopped the loud wail that rose through his throat, had this happened to all his gifts to Burn?
The guards found him then, they locked him up. Right next to Spinach who cried the whole night, not even looking at Cottonmouth.
When Cottonmouth came up with the plan to escape his prison he went to use it, he tried unlocking his cell door with his barb.
But, as soon as his barb stuck out to try and pick the lock it was quickly caught. His barb was snapped off.
He was left in the cell for years, Spinach eventually being taken away to be stuffed. Cottonmouth grew weak he was finally allowed the freedom to roam the stronghold halls, but never once did he see his niece, mother or outside world again.
When Thorn came to the rescue and take over the stronghold he had been killed by one of the guards. Their final orders were to kill all the prisoners inside the stronghold.

Aww poor Cottonmouth, and poor Spinach, and poor Auk, and poor sister, poor everyone.
I love it.
Like, it's detailed, interesting plot and it shows how Burn got all those stuffed dragons. It had a good but sad ending. Usually I don't like it when OCs interact with canon characters (in this story Burn) but you actually made it work really well! You didn't make Cottonmouth like, Burns mate or anything, you just made if a worker for her, witch is reasonable and likely to happen. I REALLY like it.

OCCUPATIONS: 'Freak' Hunter, Prisoner


RESIDENCE: Burn/Thorn's Stronghold


Saguaro- Mother. Dusty colored Sandwing with extremely dark eyes and rattlesnake patterns down her spine.
Swelt- Sister. buckskin colored Sandiwng covered in freckles with very, very faint rattlesnake patterns. Her eyes are light gray and small
Spinach- Niece. a permanently green Sand-Rainwing. She has the body type of a Rainwing but more facial features of a Sandwing. She has a useless, barbed tail. She has no front legs and uses her wings (like a wyvern) as a stabilizer
Walnut- Brother In-Law. A large Rainwing with fangs that poke out of his snout.

Good names, only thing Saguaro is canon. She's a guard for Queen Thorn. For her it kinda depends, Saguaro appers a lot, but she only appers in Winglets Book One, and most people haven't read the winglets. Consider changing this, other then that good.

Auk- Sea-Skywing. He is mostly red with the body type of a seawing. He has no markings and his horns twist together



MATE: xxx


Makes sense

ABILITIES: Fire breath, poisonous barb

Yep :3



HOBBIES: in his later days he enjoyed not looking at Burn's monstrosities

I do enjoy that too.

Overall, I give Cottonmouth a 9.8/10. I really love this character! :3
You almost 10/10. Only thing add one more flaw to the personality (and maybe change his mothers name) and you'll be good!

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