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OC belongs to @CalicaAmethyst

Name- Venomous

Kinda cool, I like it.

Age- 8


Sexuality- Asexual

My dude!!

Gender- Female


Tribe- RainWing, but might have a slight trace of SandWing blood


Appearance- Her scales have an unusual shine to them, and she likes to keep them yellow with black diamond markings and tail tip. Despite her tribe, she is fit and muscled. Her ruff is sharp and unforgiving, and her spines are very close to one another so they seem to melt together into a SandWing like sail. Her features are usually contorted into a sneer. Her voice is slow, high, and languid.

I like the details, but you're missing a few things like her eye colour and horn/claw colour.

Personality- She is cold and unfeeling. She hasn't the least amount of sympathy or empathy and will kill you for looking at her the wrong way. She hates other dragons. She is menacing and cunning. Blister was always her role model, and that's why her scales look so much like the SandWing.

Add way more good traits, these seem like all flaws.

Abilities- Camouflage, has venomscales (if you don't know, venomscales are when you have too much venom so you melt everything organic you touch. Relatives can put their venom in things and that makes you unable to melt it)

I've heard of Frostscales before, but Venomscales seem cool.

Backstory- Venomous sucked the venom out of her twin, and when she hatched eggs started melting around her claws. A teacher tried to remove her, and she managed it, but it cost her life. Venomous was shunned, and when she flew, she left. She moved to the Kingdom of Sand and saw Blister, and began to worship her. When some superpowered dragons showed up, Venomous joined them, and used a mix of murder and blackmail to rise to leader. She then started to look for Blister and started serving her. Well, Burn needles Admiral Ackbar, because it was a trap. Venomous visited her and killed her. When Blister died, Venomous didn't know what to do with her life, so she started terrorizing random dragons.

Okay. This is good for a side character, but not a main. What was it like serving under Blister? Who are the other 'superpowered' dragons? What was it like before she met Blister?

Family- Unknown/none


Overall, I give Venomous 5/10. Work majorly on her backstory and personality, then a bit on her appearance.

Also, happy holidays everyone! If you don't celebrate anything, just enjoy all the days off lmao.

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