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OC belongs to Onewhisker

(This is from a new fanfic of mine, so she isn't very developed yet!)

Uh okay

Name: Polynya

I've never seen this before, it's cool and original.

Age: No idea how dragon age works, she'd be around 30 in dragon years?


Gender: female

Lot a females lately

Sexuality: Straight :l

K then

Tribe: IceWing

Icewings are underused.

Queen she supports: herself!

She's a queen I guess? Okay then. Surprisingly a lot of OC are usually Princess, not queens.

Appearance: Polynya is pure white, while her horns and claws are very dark gray. The insides of her wings are pale gray, and she has jet black eyes. She's very tall and thin, with long limbs and her horns and the spikes down her back are extra sharp.

Like the detail about extra sharp spikes, and it's cool she has black eyes, most OC's Usually have green or blue, sometimes sliver.

Attires: There isn't much jewelry around in Polynya's time, so no dragons really wear anything.

Okay then? I hope this is explained in her backstory

Personality: Polynya is very bossy at times and likes to be the center of attention. She can be a drama queen. She's determined, and can get anything done if she puts her mind to it. She wants the best for her Tribe, but can still be selfish sometimes. She has a bit of superiority complex, and thinks that she is the best fit for queen of the IceWings. She claims to be descended from royalty, but this isn't true.

I like how she fits with what Icewings are suppose to be. Most Icewing OCs are like "Oh she's a cinnamon roll and hates killing and is nice but she's a outsider because of this". It's fits with the books.

Backstory: Polynya was born long after the events of the canon series. In her times, Pyrrhia is in a post-apocalyptic state after being destroyed by two warring animus queens. She dedicated herself to restoring the Ice Kingdom to what it once was, establishing herself as the queen (though many IceWings disagreed to this.) The IceWings restored their kingdom long before the other Tribes did. Because of this, she chose to travel to the other kingdoms and help them choose queens and rebuild their kingdoms as well. She made many friends along the way. (This is kind of incomplete, I'm sorry)

It might be incomplete, but it's going well so far! So far, there's been no HUGE drama, no dead parents and no outsiders! And no weird plot point! It's good! Need to add more detail, but it's still a WIP so it's okay.

Occupation: self-appointed queen

Makes sense

Residence: Ice palace in the Ice Kingdom (it wasn't destroyed because it was enchanted to be pretty much indestructible)

Makes sense

None of her relatives are known

Okay then

Hazel (A MudWing who she appointed queen)
Freckles (A male SandWing who joined in Polynya's efforts, unlike most SandWings who are very hostile)
Robin (SkyWing she appointed queen)
Pebble (A male SeaWing. SeaWings were hit the hardest during the animus war, so they are nearly extinct. Pebble is still searching for another SeaWing.)
Honeydew (RainWing queen)
Darkthought (Male NightWing, in pretty much the same situation as Pebble)

I like the names, don't you have another OC named Pebble already? Anyway cool names

Crush/mate/dragonets: none yet

She's needs to get a mate thought, a kingdom needs heirs.

Abilities: Normal IceWing stuffs


Powers: none

Yay! No random powers!

Hobbies: She loves to travel, but otherwise is too busy as queen to do much

Like the traveling bit, fist with her backstory

Overall, I give Polynya a 8/10. She's really good so far but the only thing is her backstory, witch is still a WIP. You're on a great track!

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now