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OC belongs to @channatara

Name: Angelfish

It's okay, kinda cute.

Age: 9

Young adult.

Gender: female


Sexuality: bi


Tribes: night-sea


Look: tall, thin, with midnight-blue scales, long, twisted ombré horns, even darker blue under her wings, very faintly glowing seawing patterns, a small rainwing venom scar on her tail, star markings heavily scattered on the upper part of her wing, and less as they go down the wings. She also has sapphire earrings given to her by her brother for her hatching day.

This is simple yet good! I don't have any complaints.

Personality: slightly manipulative, but genuinely cares about the dragons around her. She has a good sense of humor, she hates admitting when someone she doesn't like is right, and she's stubborn.

Add more flaws, and a few more positives.

Backstory: her parents met at jade mountain academy, and became friends, so they kept in touch. They had two eggs together a few years after meeting, one was fully blue, and the other was a swirl of blue and black. Their nightwing mother originally wanted to keep the two dragonets, but when they were 3, she could take care of them anymore because she had to go on a long mission, so met with their father and dropped them off. It was there that Angelfish discovered she could only breathe underwater for about 3-4 hours, because of this, she could only live in the summer palace but she could still visit her family in the deep palace. Later, she too went to jade mountain and befriended a little rainwing called parakeet. One time they got into a horrible argument and started fighting, leaving Angelfish with her venom scar and Parakeet with bruises on her arms, but they forgave each other. For her 8th birthday her brother, Seafoam, visited her and gave her sapphire earrings, saying it matched her scales. After that year, she gave her position at jade mountain to her brother. However, while he was away, she got the terrible news that her mother, Nightshade, had died from an illness while she was on her mission. Angelfish and Seafoam currently reside with their father, Bubble, in the Summer Palace.

This seems like a backstory for a fic, or a side character. If it's a main character, add way more details about her childhood (dragonethood?). Also, why could she only go the JMA while her brother stayed with their dad,

Occupation: currently Guard, past: jade mountain student, dragonet


Residence: Summer Palace


Relatives: Seafoam(brother), Nightshade(mother), Bubble(father), Belladonna(aunt)

I like these names (thought Belladonna is canon as of the newest book, but you did mention that)

Friends: Parakeet (rainwing)

This is cute

Abilities: none

?? Alright.

Hobbies: sculpting, sketching, hunting


Overall, I give Angelfish a 7.5/10. Add a bit of details to her backstory and work majorly on her personality.

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