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OC belongs to @Lazyartsit1095

Name: Tundra

Tundra is actually a canon name. She is the mother of Winter, Hailstorm and Icicle. Usually I would let it slide, but she actually appears a lot. So uh, consider changing this.

Age:  16


Gender: Female


Sexuality: Likes both genders


Tribe(s): None

I'm just gonna pretend you said she's a ice/night hybrid (witch she is), okay?
Anyway, this hybrid is the most unlikely to ever happen!
Icewings and Nightwings hate eachother. Besides, Icewings haven't seen a Nightwing around at least 30+ years since the tribe has been in hiding. They also live on complete opposite sides of the continent. Also, if a Icewing even saw a Nightwing, they would most likely kill them, 'Attack first and ask questions later'. So, in short, this hybrid is the MOST unlikely to EVER happen.

Tundra supports none of the queens, but thinks that queen thorn a good queen, although she does not support her.

Make sense, seeing how her tribes don't mix with the Sandwings.

Looks: Icewing/Nightwing hybrid with icewing spikes and sparkling white/ pale blue / black scales. Two teardrop-like scales under her eyes and sharp talons.

Oh, she has the teardrop scales? So she can read minds? Oh.
Also, elaborate more. Add her eye coulour, spike colour, height, weight, body shape, etc. Hybrids are a lot more complicated to describe.

Attires: golden earring on left ear.


Personality: Tough, fierce, quiet, rebelious against certain tribes.

Add more. It needs more flaws and good traits. Also, 'fierce and queit' don't really together. This personality is also overused, so, eh.

Backstory: Her mother was a nightwing and her father was an icewing. Her father was animus, and he thought he was all powerful because of that. He had tried to kill her before she hatched but queen glacier stopped him. After that, glacier raised her for a few years before her father took her and hid her near the sky palace. She mostly grew up by her self and she hated most other tribes since no other tribe would take her in.

First off.
Icewings haven't had anmuis for THOUSANDS of years. Unless her father was part Nightwing, he can't be anmuis. Why did her father try to kill her, and why did her father take her in again after he tried to kill her??? Also, what happened to her Nightwing mother. She kinda just, disappeared.
Second, Queen Galcier.
Queen Glacier, like most Icewings, hate Nightwings and would never, ever, ever, allow a Ice/Night hybrid in her kingdom, and she sure would never raise said hybrid (on a side note, only Icewings can enter the ice kingdom because of the wall). Glacier would also most likely ban her father and Tundra from the kingdom.
Let's say the Glacier dose NOT hate Nightwings and allowed Tundra in her kingdom. Why would she raise her? Was she like her neice or something? Grandchild? Because only the Icewings royal had anmuis powers (let's also say they still have anmuis). Glacier would probably never raise Tundra even if she liked Nightwings since Icewings don't really like hybrids.
What was her life growing up? After she moved? Details!!!!!

Occupation: was once an assassin

When? Why's wasn't this mentioned in her backstory?

Residence: Possibility


Relatives: none

Actually, no. No one has no Realtives. They have at least a father and mother.

Friends: (her friends are also characters ive created) Jackal, Bamboo, Pit.

Why were they not mention in the backstory?

Crush: im not tellin... :3

Why not mention it in the backstory, thought?

Mate: None(legit tears)


Dragonets: none


Abilities: Ice breath, flight, withstand cold temperatures

But she has the teardrop, so she smug be able to read minds her something. But thanks for not making her over powered like anmuis and stuff.

Powers: can teel if someone is lying

Wait what?? Why wasn't this mentioned in the backstory?

Hobbies: painting, reading, long flights at night.


Other: nnnnope.


Quote: "Somedays, im in a room full of stupid dragons... Other days, i realise its not just somedays."

I know that feel

Hope you like her!


I give Tundra a 6/10. Her name bump of a few points, and her backstory bumped her down a lot. Work on the backstory and personality.

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