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OC belongs to this-rose-has-thorns

Name:Lei (that is a normal name for his tribe)

Alright! I kinda like it





Sexuality:Pansexual Son


Tribe:LóngWings (the fancy 'ó' is IMPORTANT, because Lóng is 'Dragon' in Chinese, DONUT QUESTIONS MY FANTRIBE MAKING ABILITIES)

Alright then. I don't actually know how to pronounce it, though.

Occupation:Heir to his tribe's throne (LóngWings can have any gender as ruler)

Destroy those gender roles

Personality:Lei is supremely 'extra,' so to speak, he tends to act a little narcissistic, but he's really just self confident. He loves to spread cheer and confidence to his tribe, and takes full advantage of his position as Heir to do so. His sense of pride is rather large, but that's merely a result of all the complements and attention he receives due to his rank. He tends to be a little over confident sometimes, and has too much faith in himself when it comes to taking on responsibilities, and can have the occasional mental breakdown because he put too much pressure on himself. Oops. He also can occasionally get a touch stupid when he's tired, and does idiotic, reckless things. Smart Lei son. Despite his reckless attitude from time to time, like every other member of his tribe, he had been raised to respect the gods of their religion, his elders, and his ancestors, so he is reasonably well behaved on important days.

Ooo, I love this! He has a good balance between positive and negative traits.

Appearance:Lei is very slim, and lithe, like all LóngWings. He has the typical royal traits, too, with dark red fluff down his spine, and on his underbelly. He's pretty tall for his kind, with the typical slanted eyes. His eyes are dark green, with slit pupils, that work well with his dark gold scales, that have a slight metallic shine to them. He's very often bedecked in jewels and precious metals, because he loves their shine, and has horns similar to those like a SandWing's, that are a light sandy colour

Again, this is really good! The only real downside is that I don't know what his tribe typically looks like, but I can get a good gist from his description alone (slim and lithe, fluff down spine, slit pupils, and similar horns to a SandWing).

Backstory:Lei was hatched and raised in the royal castle of the LóngWings, with both the advantages and disadvantages of a Prince. He was taught the proper mannerisms of the LóngWings, and was always respectful of the rules he had to follow. Nothing exciting, yet.

Good for a side character, not a main (but I did get your comment about him not being that much developed yet, though, so I understand). You have to add a lot more details.

Mother- Empress Sachi
Father- Emperor Yaalon
Siblings- Still in the making
Other Living Relatives- Princess Yadira (cousin)
Ancestors Worth Noting- Emperor Sachihiro (great x13 grandfather- Animus), Princess Yikira (great x7 aunt- Animus)

I like that's even if I can't pronounce half of them lol

Friends:Glaze (exiled IceWing who was taken in, female), Sabrina (his room servant, a fellow LóngWing, female), a few more I still haven't created yet



Okay, nice.

Abilities:Typical ones of his kind
Fire breathing when warm enough (temp must be averagely 20 degrees celsius)
Weak aura reading (can see the aura's of others, which allows him to help judge whether or not to trust others)
Weak ghost speaking (can speak to spirits, only stronger ones that are able to take a physical form strong enough to make noises)

Okay, I'm not sure how I feel about this. The ghost speaking of thing is...odd, but if his entire tribe has it, that might make for some interesting stories.

Hobbies:Flirting with which ever random dragon is around (I dub that a hobby), studying the legends and history of his tribe (more a task from his mother than a hobby, but meh), and trying on jewellery because he loves him some jewellery


Other:He has a pet panda, named Fluffle

*Choking back tears* Nice

Overall, I give Lei a 7.8/10. I love his personality and appearance, but work on his backstory.

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