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OC belongs to wavestar123


I use her name in a insult LOL, "YOU'RE A USELESS PAPAYA". I say it a lot







Tribe:Sea/Sand/RainWing hybrid

A triplet hybrid, uh, okay:|

Queen she supports:Queen Glory

Odd saying she's by the Sky Kingdom, but okay.

Looks:She has a SandWing build, but she's slightly smaller then a normal SandWing, she can change to any colour, except pink, to her dismay, she has SeaWing horns, and gills

I don't get why she can't turn pink, and you might want to add her weight, height, etc etc

Attires:She wears multiple necklaces, she has enough that she can change them everyday

Okay, Neckless are cool

Personality:Bubbly, funny, really sweet, but deep down she struggles due to losing her parents and half sister, she breaks down when dragons mention any of her dead family members

Her personality is a lot like Stareaders, might want to add a few more strengths and flaws.

Backstory:She was born under the mountain with the other hybrids, and she really looked up to her two older sisters, Wave and Foam, and her parents, Oasis and Hammerhead, when the other hybrids rebelled, her mother told her to stay with her sisters, so she stuck with Foam, and then was forced to watch her half sister get tore into pieces by a SkyWing soldier. In horrified and heartbroken rage, she attacked the SkyWing, and would have been killed by him had her mother not intervened and saved her by distracting the SkyWing long enough for Papaya to fly to safety. She followed the other hybrids to the forest near where the Prophecy Dragonets were raised, and found Wave there. When their parents didn't arrive, they started to help set up a home. After everything was sorted, Papaya discovered a joy in creating necklaces, she started to make them all the time, to keep herself distracted from the past. She started making necklaces for everyone who she thought needed cheering up. When her sister Wave found a NightWing egg by the edge of the forest, Papaya started to try make something for the soon to hatch dragonet, but, since she didn't know what the dragonet would like, she simply plaited three vines together. When the dragonet hatched, Papaya suggested they gave the dragonet a NightWing name, and helped Eagle and Wave think one up, settling on Starreader. Papaya taught Starreader how to make necklaces, and was the dragonet's only friend for a long time. She often helps Starreader make models of famous dragons

Cute:3 Well, expect for the beginning part. It's easy to follow, and not too dramatic or boring. It's good.

Occupation:Necklace maker for the hybrids

Okay, makes sense

Residence:The hybrids 'camp'

Makes sense

Parents & Siblings:Oasis (mother, Rain/SandWing, dead, she's named after Queen Oasis), Hammerhead (father, SeaWing, dead), Foam (half sister, Rain/Sand/NightWing, dead), Wave (sister Sea/Sand/RainWing, alive)

Brother-in-law:Eagle (Sky/SandWing, alive)

Adoptive Niece:Starreader (NightWing, alive)

Okay, makes sense

Friends:Cristal (IceWing, alive) Starreader (niece), most the other hybrids


Abilities:Can go for days without water, and survive extreme heat

It's good she doesn't have the tail barb, or Rainwing venom. She's not overpowered


Okay, she's not overpowered again

Hobbies:Jewellery making, entertaining others

Make sense, it doesn't clash with the other factors of her character

Other: None


Quote:"When life gives you lemons, trade them in for pineapples, because lemons are disgusting"

Lemons are disgusting

Overall, I give Papaya a 7/10. Her backstory is a bit non unqie, but her backstory and other factors are quite interesting. Maybe work on her personality.

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