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OC belongs to @Warriorpmoonnose1

Name/ Boa (originally named Quetzal)

*Imagines dragon in a pink fluffy boa*

Age/ 9


Gender/ Agender (but biologically female but prefers to be called they,them, and it)

Okay, first Agender dragon here. I like it!

Sexuality/ Pansexual

Okay :3

Tribes/ Rainwing

Rainwings are used but not overused. So, uh, okay.

Queens they support/ Queen Cascade

Different time zone then.

Looks/ their is mainly an very dark indigo (indigo = Pride) with a dark purple (dark purple = envy) stomach, claws, and tail. Their body is VERY very long and slinky (like an snakes) due to an birth defect, its eyes are a shade of tropical green too, they has a burn mark on their leg making it hard for them to walk with it too.

Okay I like that the colours are like the personality (cause Rainwing scales are show their emtions). The body also explains the name. Amazing job!

Attires/ an silver ring with an weird green gem on it that definitely is not an emerald.


Personality/ they is a very prideful type of uhhh guy/gal/Zal? With her pridefulness she can get quite jealous when ever met with a Beautifuler dragon, they are calm when ever around Needle (their lover) she is super hyper when ever she eats blueberries,she is know to sabotage or get to greedy at times too tho she is much nicer to older or younger dragons, and know to love to bring joy to animals too, and be very over protective.

Very good, nice mix of good and bad traits.

(Since this is divided into parts, I'll be rating it in parts)

As a winglet their were bullied for there long slinky body and get called "boa" so the queen later on named them Boa which was pretty hurtful to Boa but they did have close friends to such as Reptilian, and Jaguar too. They always complemented Boa witch seriously boosted her pride

Aw it's nice that their friends helped them. But what happened to them later in the story? Also, what was her name before all the teasing. Did she not have a name after she hatch?

The new queen, Queen Cascade wanted to make an kingdom with tree palaces for her dragons so she hired Boa to be an merchant, since Boa literally had nothing they just sold pretty rocks they found in little pouches. One day a fugitive Sandwing bought a pouch of rocks, and he started flirting with them Boa was flattered by this and soon enough they became Business partners, Needle was an anmuis  so he used his powers to enchant the pouches of rocks to gems and sold really well.

I totally ship them.
But why would the queen employ them if they didn't have anything but rocks. Why not employ someone who actually had stuff to sell? Also, how is Needle a anmuis? Is he somehow related to Jerboa (A anmuis Sandwing in Darkstakler times). Did they sell stuff in Possbilty, or the rainforest, or somewhere else?

Boa and Needle became lovers and had two Dragonets called Coyote and Bloom, which they cared for, but life was not kind too Boa was kïlled years after by a dragon viper

Aw poor Boa:(
Maybe elaborate more, maybe a quick glance at what happened to the family after, like 'The family was devasted. After burying Boa, they eventually carried on with their life's' or something.

Occupation/ merchant

Makes sense
Dragonfruit there mother
Charming there father
Lilac there sister

Okay, since most Rainwings don't know their parents it makes sense they weren't mentioned in the backstory.

Mate/ needle


Dragonets/ coyote and bloom

Cute names

Abilities/ venom,flying,camouflage all that

Yep, full Rainwing

Hobbies/ collecting rocks

Makes sense

Quote/ "let's see one gem, one rock, let's make two gems now"

I like it!

Other/ hope you like them

Okay :3

I give Boa a 8/10. Their good, work out a few kinks in the backstory and it should be good!

( FINISHED ) Wings of Fire OC RatingWhere stories live. Discover now